Chapter 22

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A very nice fan gave me the push to post tonight :) You know who you are.


I never would have thought that I would find peace here. I'm not happy, no. Who would be happy here?

But now that I don't have to work out side things are so much easier. I have never minded cleaning. And cooking is simple to me it has always been.

I enjoy cooking. I can remember when I was younger helping my mother bake her delicious bread. She would always let me nead the dough and have the first piece.

I sigh as I scrub at the old wooden table. Over the two week that I've been working in the canteen, I have learned the you have to watch when you wipe the tables. Splinters can hurt a lot when your in a hurry.

Its late now just after dinner. Everyone has settled for the night. The only other people in here are the cooks in the kitchen.

I still take my time and work after three hours later. The last thing I want to do is piss off colonel Hoess.

The door creaks open behind me. I have to resist the urge to turn and see who it is. I just mind keep working.

Just as I'm about to run out of tables to clean, I hear his sweet voice.

"You are looking better."

I make myself turn slowly.

In all truth I'm dying just to see him. To talk to him.

I meet his sweet soft eyes with my own and say. "Thanks to you. You didn't have to do this for me."

Damon sighs sadly "I did. What I did to you that day was wrong. I know its hard to believe Lena, but I don't want to be my father."

Its me this time, who steps forwad. I reach out and gently touch his soft cheek. Under my finger tips I can feel the smoothness of him and the slight stubble poking out his chin.

I smile up at him.

"Then don't be, Damon. Our parents give us this life. But its up to us to make it our own."

Then knowing how silly of me it is even while I do it I stand on my tippy toes and softly kiss his cheek.

With Damon's eyes watching me the whole time I walk past him and put my filthy rag up.

And at last with one last look back at him I walk out and head to the bunk room. My lips tingling the whole time.

And for the first time in forever feeling lighter than air. Who knew floating could feel so good?


Hehehehe Anyone catch the frozen reference at the end?

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