Authors Note ^_^

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Hi everyone! Me here, obviously 😀 ..

Ok so a few things I wanna share with y'all.

1.) A new update will be posted today. I'm making it my mission to start writing more and uploading more.

2.) I recently started a new project with a new friend of mine GoTfan25966 I can't go into details because he might fly overseas and hang me for giving something away yet, but I'm very excited for it :-) (I was also just kidding about the hanging, he's too nice for that ^_^)

3.) We are looking for young, fresh historical writers to help us with this project so if you want to know more message me or GoTfan25966.

4.) Thank you all so much for the continued support and votes and comments and not giving up on Lena and Damon even though it's been a long ride so far. This story is my baby and I never imagined it getting so far.

Thanks again .. I'm going to hit the sack before I pass out it's 3:30 am here, I'm tired as heck.

Look for the real update later 😀 goodnight my peeps 😘😘😘

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