Chapter 24

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Its been a while and I'm sorry I've been really busy.

I really appreciate all the comments and votes and support.

I've had this story up for awhile but to have 20.6 hundred reads is amazing.

I know you guys don't care about my babble :)

Y'all wanna know if Damon and Lena get caught ;)

I suggest going back and reading the last chapter so your not lost. I had to do it too lol.

So here is Chapter 23..


Lena's POV

Damon and I rip apart from each other immediately like a shock of electricity went through us. I stare into his beautiful eyes with pure terror filling me.

This is it, I think, this the end. I've made it this far and now I'm gonna die.

Damon leans closer to me and whisper- yells in my ear. "Get down!"

I don't even question him on it. I let myself trust him with my life. Then drop to the ground laying as flat as possible. My heart beating impossibly fast with fear.

Damon turns around to face whoever it was that had interuppted us.

I hold my breath and hope with all my heart that they didnt and don't see me.

"What on earth are you doing out here, boy?" I recognize the voice and thank the heavens that its only Baab.

The same Baab who injured me not long that long ago. But now after every thing that has happened it feels like its been years since that day.

I'm not happy to see Baab but relieved because it couldve been someone alot worse. Like Damon's father.

"Gazing at the stars Baab, its really relaxing, maybe you should try it." Damon's voice was in a rough mocking like tone.

"Yeah sure as soon as we finish ridding the world of these Jewish scum. I'll make sure to put that on my list of things to do." Baab sneered back.

"You do that. Now if you don't mind I would like to return to my peaceful evening alone."

It was silent for a moment until Baab opened his big mouth again. "Are you sure? I was certain I heard another voice out here."

Damon let out a harsh laugh. "Do you see anyone else out here, you big fool?"

And with those words and that hard tone of his voice. I realized then that he was acting.

Damon was playing a bigger and more dangerous role than I had ever realized before.

It was like a cloud had finally dispersed in my mind and I suddenly pieced together the puzzle that was Damon Hoess.

He didn't enjoy this. Any of it. That sadness that I always saw in his eyes was explained.

Damon didn't want to be this monster spawn.

The way he changed so suddenly just now revealed the truth to me. Damon had just been gentle. He was caring and even sweet.

But then reality decided to slap us in face.

Baab showed up and ruined everything. Then that cold hard mask was put securely back in place.

One question was left running through my mind.


Why was he different? Why didn't he despise me like his father and the rest of the country did?

Why did he care?

What made him want to go against everything his father stood for?

"No, bu-" Damon didn't even let him finish.

"What, Baab? Are you calling me a liar?" He took a step forward and away from me leaving me even more open to view.

"Do you see anyone? Huh? Because all I see is an idiot who doesn't know how to do his job correctly and just called his bosses son a liar. Should I inform my father of this? Hmm?"

Just the frostyness of Damon's voice sent shivers down my spine.

"N- no no need to do that now. I'll be on my way. No harm done, right?"" Baab stuttered.

"Not unless you don't get out of my sight within the next minute!" Damon growled.

"Right, Sir. Sorry."

I could here his hurried foot steps disappearing as he took off.

Seconds passed... Then those seconds turned to minutes as we both waited for him to get farther away.

"Stay here, I'm going to make sure he's long gone." Damon whispered.

As I waited for him to return I couldn't help but question all of this.

The kisses, the note, Damon's mask.

What am I doing? Where is all of this going?

I know that there is no way for it to end well at all.

Is it worth it? Is what I'm feeling right now worth the consequences of getting caught?

I took a moment and remembered that amazing kiss and that gave me all the answer I needed.

Yes it is worth it.

That happiness I felt when our lips met again made all this fear and worry with it.

Because against all odds I was happy again. I liked Damon a lot.

I'm beginning to think that its possible for me to fall in love him. Maybe I already am.

And if I've learned anything through all of this. Its that love is worth fighting for.

If I'm going to die then maybe just maybe I might have a chance to feel love once more before I do.

Footsteps shocked me out of my thinking as I looked up.

He was back.

Damon sighed than settled on the ground beside me. I flipped over so I was on my back and looked up at the infinite amount of stars in the sky.

"I'm sorry about that. I get it if you want to go back to your bunk. I will help you get back in if you want." He whispered sounding sad.

"Why would I want to go back? This dirt is softer than the bunk anyway."

He chuckled. "Sorry about that, too."

I felt myself smile. And I took a chance then afraid that he might push me away.

I reached over and took his surprisingly rough hand in my own.

Damon didnt push me away. Instead he intertwined his fingers with mine and gently squeezed.

We stayed like that for hours. Content to just be together and to have something, someone to hold onto.

There was still so much left unsaid. We weren't out of the clear yet.

No this thing that is going on between us makes living here a hundred times as dangerous then it already is.

But for a few hours its just me and Damon. And that meant so damn much to me.

As I lay beside him I closed my eyes and thought.

Mom, you were wrong. He is so much more than just an aly.


Oh my gosh. This was a long one.

I hope you like it.

20 Votes for another chapter -

Beth :)

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