Chapter 32

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There's nothing more motivating than seeing your story at number 2 on the Historical Fiction list!! I'm still in shock 😁

So this chapter I've been planning for a while now and I honestly have been putting it off because it's pretty high on my cheesy list

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So this chapter I've been planning for a while now and I honestly have been putting it off because it's pretty high on my cheesy list. It's smack full of the lovey dovey shit and I haven't been feeling much like getting into that... But the story must go on. And I hate to say it but after almost nine years (I am very slow and procrastinate way too much) this story is almost at a close. I'm thinking maybe three or four more chapters after this one.

I may upload another chapter after this one depending on how I feel 😁 and I'm feeling particularly devilish tonight because my show will be on in a few hours and my OTP will finally be reunited (any The 100 watchers out there?? Hit me up in the comments)

So pay attention because this chapter will be a little different we start in Lena's POV and will switch to Damon's after awhile and fair warning now things will get STEAMY between them later in the chapter thanks to my friend GoTfan25966....

So without further ado..

Lena POV

I freeze... My whole world freezes around me. Any coherent thought in my mind flies out. All I can do is stare at Damon.

And suddenly he's not the son of one the most dangerous men in the country and maybe the world, he's not a Nazi soldier who is supposed to hate me. Damon is just a guy telling his girlfriend that he loves her.

I blink... Once... Twice... A third time... Still trying to comprehend what he said. When I lost my mother and baby sister I never believed I would ever hear those words again. Someone loves me.

Meanwhile around us the sun continues to rise along with the danger level of us still being out here. Damon gently kisses my forehead and says, "Go. Now. You don't have to say anything, we'll talk soon."

He gives me a slight push towards the bunks and I do as I'm told. The entire trek back to my horrible bunk is cloudy. I'm honestly surprised I made it back at all. I was floating blissfully on Damon's words.

He loves me.

Damon loves me.

I am loved.

The next few days are spent on that very same cloud. The work seems almost easy, the food no matter how scarce and little actually doesn't taste as bad as it normally does.

And these changes are all in my head because I'm in love. Who knew that in such a horrible place that reeks of sadness and pain I could find my version of Utopia.

Something I had never realized before was love makes us. When I lost my family, it broke me. I thought I would forever feel broken and lost. That I would always feel a gaping hole inside of me.

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