Chapter 30

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Wow chapter 30... It's been a while, huh? But we're finally there, I've​ had a crappy week or month lol and it just started. So I thought why not write? Get it out in the best way I know how.

Don't forget to check out The Soldier Time Forgot it's not very long yet but I'm excited for it. It's on my page but being co written by me and GoTfan25966. Here's the synopsis -

The Soldier Time Forgot:
Thomas Elliott, a soldier in the Civil War, is killed in his first major battle defending his friends. However, a strange power prevents his body from decaying, preserving him for over a century.

When he is awakened in the 21st century by a descendant of his, he must find his way in a world completely alien to him. He doesn't bank on finding love in this new world, but fate works in strange ways.

-- Ok, enough of that. Who's ready to get back to Damon and Lena. (someone pointed out the name Damon and yes I stole it from the Vampire Diaries. Loved the books, then grew to love the show.)


Chapter 30

Lena's POV

I'm scared. That isn't new. But it's not a bad kind of scared.

Is there a good kind of fear?

I'm scared because I'm happy. I haven't felt truly happy in so long I'd almost forgotten what it feels like. It's a glorious feeling, I never want to lose it again. Which brings me back to my fear.

How can I be happy in a place like this? I must be as bad as the Nazis who brought us here. But if all Nazis were like Damon that wouldn't​ be so bad.

I've seen so many sides of him. And I  now know in his heart, Damon is  good. He hides it well. He's had to. But with me, he lets those walls down. Damon had to stop sneaking out the salve, too much of it was coming up missing. Instead he brings me other things.

Mostly food because nobody​ can know if I've eaten something forbidden. Chocolate, bread, apples ... The list goes on and on. I tell him not to, but one thing I've learned is that Damon is a very stubborn man.

My wounds are mostly healed, they are sore and achy at times but I can handle the pain.

Colonel Hoess is still gone, has been for almost three weeks now.

I'm not sure if that's good or bad to be honest. Damon won't tell me what's​ happening beyond that fence closing us off. At first that angered me. Then I realized if Damon won't even tell me then I don't think I want know.

We have to be careful still, of course. Damon has cracked down on the rest of the camp. He's always barking orders and yelling when I see him on my way to the factory or to lunch.

I've heard some of the women remark he is just like his father. I want to speak up. I want to defend him. Scream at them that they're wrong. That I was wrong. He's nothing like his father. I know I can't do that and that truly hurts me. He deserves so much better.

Baab is watching him. He's sure that Baab is reporting back to his father. So, his mask grows darker everytime​ I watch him slip it on. His voice harder, colder like a stranger in the night. I hate seeing that. I know it's not real, but I also know he hates being that way. Everytime Damon slips his mask on, it's like he's taking a step closer to becoming the the man his father hopes for.

Damon does his best to hide that from me so I let him. I pretend I don't see it. I don't want the happiness to fade.

That moment that almost happened in the infirmary stays warm in my mind. As well as his promise, which once again brings me back to my fear.

How can I be so happy and terrified at the same time? Damon makes me happy. Just knowing that I will see him  again each night fills me with a joy I don't think I've ever known before.

Work at the factory is easy, almost relaxing. I've grown to enjoy it.

The food is still scarce and I stay to myself as much as I can. I don't want to draw more attention to myself​. The rest of the girls my age stay far away from me. I think they're afraid that I'm trouble.

I stay far away from the death smelling part of the camp, while trying to forget about it. If I behave and bide my time I know Damon will keep his word and we'll be free.

But for now my nights, those are Damon's​. We sneak out at different times from different ends of the camp. I stay close to the ground always while he just walks out like he owns the place. Which in a way he kinda does.

We meet in our spot in the field, hidden by the weeds and bushes. Damon somehow snuck a blanket out here. We've both taken to sleeping on it together, just sleep, for a few hours each night.

I don't know about him but it's the only sleep I get.

Sometimes we just lay there, staring up both content to just be. I know our time is limited. Deep down I can feel this can't possibly end well. I tell myself I need to pull away and always fail.

I feel myself falling and that is the thing that scares me the most.

Not the fact that we could be caught at any second and killed.

Not the fact that Damon promised to get us free which could also get us killed.

Not the war that's waging just outside those gates.

No. I'm afraid of the fact that I've fallen in love with a Nazi.


It's not much and I'm sorry. This is kinda a filler chapter so we know what Lena is thinking and feeling. I will update Chapter 30 part 2 soon so don't give up on me.

The end is nearing. 😥😥😥


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