Chapter 27

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Met a pretty cool dude the other day, whose given me tons of new ideas. Go check his stories out, he's brilliant :) GoTfan25966 Thanks.

Let's go see how things play out ;)


Damon's POV

I was overseeing the outside  work for the day when the news hit me that there had been a runner. I didn't know what to expect but I'd never imagined I'd find Lena about to face the barrel of my father's gun.

I'd thought last night with her had been amazing. I couldn't stop thinking about it all day. Truth be told I've never felt so alive. That was before I saw what I knew was to come, I would not watch her die.

I took a huge risk stepping up the way I did. I was completely surprised my father didn't shot me for it. He would have normally. He's a merciless man who has killed men for much less than speaking against him.

Even now, walking behind him I knew, as I know my father that he was up to something. I can practically hear the evil thoughts twisting around in his head.

I risked a glance at Lena, knowing she was no where near out of danger.

She had been here long enough that the cuts on her head from razor that shedded her apparently light brown hair. Even without hair she was probably the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen.

Lena just kept walking with her head held high. She never ceases to amaze me.

"How old are you, girl?" My father's cruel voice rips me out of my daze. I didn't realize that we had already reached the front of the camp, that was still in full work mode. Campers mulled about doing whatever it was they were directed to do.

"Seventeen." Her beautifully strong voice calls back. Not even flinching under his blistering gaze.

My father only smirks and says, "Great."

I choose to stay quiet, not quite understanding where he was going with this.

"That decides two matters for us, let's start with the first. Your punishment." I absolutely despised the sick grin that filled his face.

My father holds out his hand to one of the near soldiers who then hands him a whip. I feel my own self hate grow knowing this is my fault. Knowing she will have to be whipped because I suggested it.

"May I have your attention, please?!" He calls loudly, but commanding every head towards him.

"To any of you who have thought about running away or even dreamed about it, let this be a lesson to you. Hold her still!"

Two of his men step forward grabbing both of her arms and move her away from me. They stop in front of him.

Lena, my brave Lena only raised her head to stare defiantly into his eyes.

"You have caused much trouble, my this be your last warning, wench. Turn her around!" The men do what he says as he turns to grin at me.

"My boy, it was your smart idea to do this, why don't I give you the honor."

Those words stop my already black heart. His eyes are gleeful as if he knows exactly how much this is going to hurt me. I realize it's not just her last warning but mine as well.

In that one move he made me feel like that scared little boy, who had just seen the father he looks up to, strike his mother. He reminds me of why I can never let my guard down.

I can't deny, can't fight this. That's what he wants. 

With shaky limbs I close the distance between us and take the whip from him.

Turning toward Lena I can only hope that one day, she can forgive me for what I'm about to do.

Just as I'm about to raise the whip, she turns her head back to look over her shoulder. When her beautiful eyes meet mine, I try to convey with my eyes what my voice cannot say. How true sorry I am.

Please Lena, forgive me.

I take one more deep breath, raise my arm and swing as hard as I can, knowing if I take it easy my father would know.

The whip hits her back with a sickening snap! Almost instantly her blood begins to pour.

"Sixteen more." I turn to stare at my father and he once again just grins and says, "Got to teach them a lesson."

And so with my heart breaking into a new piece with every swing, I do as he says.

















Even in that last swing, Lena stayed strong never once screaming against the pain. Her tiny body slumped to the ground with blood completely covering her back.

My father steps forward takes to the whip from me with a haughty laugh. "Feels good, doesn't it?"

"Get her to the infirmary. She can stay there for the night. Come morning, I want you in the production facility with the adult women."

He slaps me on the back and walks away very pleased with himself. Leaving me with only one thought.

What have I done?


Wow that was incredibly hard to write. Hope you all don't hate me now :)

Don't forget to check out GoTfan25966 you will not regret it. :D

It's 3am here, so I'm headed to bed, night guys 😀😁😀😁

- Beth

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