Chapter 33

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Guys, this week has been amazing... I've stayed in the top ten numbers almost all week. That is like mind blowing. So I figured why not get another chapter out 😁 I'll tell you why... I don't know if I can write this one.

This one will switch POV on us again... But it will be the last chapter to do so.


Damon's POV

My father has returned. There once was a time when I looked forward to seeing my father. But now having him back here it worries me. It's not just that he is back that worries me... It's his anger.

Something must have changed while he was away... I have never seen him so openly savage. Father has sent more people to the chambers in the last three days since his return to empty an entire barrack.

I don't think he plans to stop there. Yesterday he sent two women to the chamber just for looking at him. I am terrified that Lena will end up in his crosshairs again. I've been trying to find a way to get a message to her. Something to tell her to please be on her absolute best behavior.

I don't know what I would do if she got herself sent into one of the chambers. Lena is the best thing to ever happen to me and the thought of losing her... It has become my worst nightmare. I have to find a way out of here for the both of us and fast.

I'm walking by my father's office to my quarters after another long day of ordering pain and trying to ignore the stinch of the chambers. I haven't risked a glance at Lena since my father's return. I hope she understands why. I don't want her to think I'm abandoning her.

"Every since those bastard Americans joined the fray things have gone from right on track to a collision. Camps are being invaded and liberated left and right. If they are coming for us then we will give them nothing but bodies to find. Use any excuse you can to send those disgusting cockroaches to be gassed. That is an order."

My world stopped... Everything stopped, I think I even stopped breathing for a moment. No. No, no, no. NO.

"Yes, sir."

"Good, then you are dismissed, all of you!"

I jumped and turned around the corner as a parade of soldiers stormed out of Father's office. All I could do was collapse against the wall. What am I going to do?

Lena as amazing as she is... There is no way she will behave herself enough to escape this. I need to do something. We need to get out of here and fast. I have no doubt of my father killing every last one of them as fast as he can.

The pure malice and hate I heard in his voice confirmed it. I can not allow Lena to be one of those.

As of this minute she would already be back in her barrack, there is no way to get to her tonight. If I can make her promise to behave for just a few days I will have a plan.

Yes. Just three days. That should give me enough time to see who will be on what guard duty. Getting out of here will be no easy feat but I will not let her die in a gas chamber for no other crime than being who she is.

Hang on, Lena. I will get you out of here.


Lena's POV

I'm scared. Things are worse here than they have ever been. I've seen alot of people just disappear in no time at all. They will be at the morning mealtime and by the time night falls ... They are gone.

And it's not just the weak ones anymore. I don't want to be next. I don't want to die.

Before Colonel Hoess returned things were amazing, I felt more alive and hopeful than ever. And now just like that the world has turned dark again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2018 ⏰

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