Chapter 26

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This is random and I honestly don't know how it'll turn out lol.. I just wanted to finally update..


There are about a hundred reasons why I should stop running right now and turn around. But ... The further I get... The more wind I hear rushing by me makes all those reasons disappear.

The fence gets closer with each step I take, fear rushing through my veins I don't stop. I can't. Little do I know reaching the fence would have been haven. I was wrong in believing I had already been through hell. I had no idea.

I was so focused on escaping I stopped looking around me, stopped paying attention to my surroundings. My mistake.

Something, no someone slams into my right side with such strength I go flying through the air. I feel myself airborne for a split second before I come crashing back to the earth, literally.

"Stupid Jew! Did you really think it would be that easy?!"

I look up to at the Nazi soldier who stopped me, I don't recognise him. But I don't have to. My mind instantly flashes back to that room... Oh, mom, what was I thinking?

He starts to call for other soldiers and in a last effort, I beg him to stop.

"No, please, no! I'm sorry, please!" But begging can't save me now. Nothing can.

It's already too late and two other soldiers arrive behind him. With another man close behind them.

It doesn't take long for the first soldier to explain what happened. What he stopped. I stay in my spot frozen on the ground. I can't move, can barely breathe as fear and regret constrict my chest.

A deep horrid sounding laugh causes me to lift my head. Turns out the man behind the other soldiers was Colonel Hoess. And the look in his eerily familiar eyes sends chills down my already frozen spine.

"Well look who we have here." His said with a sinister grin. "Looks like I won't be seeing you outside tomorrow after all."

I feel absolutely nothing as his words hit me, relief washes over me a second later. Death seems almost too easy. But at least it will finally be over.

I can be with my family again. Happy. No more work. No more pain. ... No more Damon...

His name in my mind smashes the relief. I let myself think of him for only a second. The happiness that I felt as I lay beside him just last night. I can't help but wish we had more time together.

I wasn't sure what we had but... I knew that he meant something to me. More than I ever believed anyone besides my family could.

I once again shoved thoughts of Damon away. It was too late now.

Starring into the Colonels eyes, for once I am not afraid. "Do it. Kill me!" I shout at him.

He just grins and simply says, "With pleasure."

He looks to the soldiers still standing by and tells them, "You know what to do."

"Colonel, wait!" A beautiful deep voice says. I twist my head around to see Damon running up to all of us. His mask firmly in place. He doesn't even look at me.

His father addresses him coldly "What reason do you have for interrupting me, boy?!"

"You can't kill her." Is all he says.

I wanna look at him, I want to see his face and tell him to stop. Don't defend me, not now. But I don't. I can't. Looking at him now would reveal everything, I can't do that to him.

"And why the hell not?" The older Hoess questioned. Calmly. For some reason his calm question scared me more than him ordering me to die

I couldn't stop myself from looking at Damon anymore. But I wish I had. The way he looked right now was a spitting image of his father.

"What will it say to others after seeing her try to escape then to have her just disappear? What will they think? That running away is okay?" Damon's words terrifyed me... what is he doing?

"So, what do you suggest, son?!" He spat the words at him.

"You do what you do to any misbehaving child. You whip them. Her. Take her in front of the others and whip her. Then leave her out in the night. If she survives then she goes back to work in the kitchen, if not... Well what do you lose?"

In that moment any good happy thoughts I'd ever had or believed about Damon, vanished. I was wrong. He wasn't wearing a mask. Damon Hoess is just like his father. A cold hearted monster.

His father erupted with laughter as he realized the same thing I did.

"I was wrong about you, boy. Maybe you're not like your piece of shit mother." He cackled some more.

When he got the laughter out of his system, he said "Alrighty then we'll do it your way."

He looked to the other soldiers and said "Get her, and follow us."

With that he turned on his heel and began stomping away. The first soldier who had originally caught me moved to grab me. I wasn't having it. I scurried backwards out of his reach and right into Damon.

I jumped and tried to move away but he grasped my arm and pushed me in front of him away from the others. I could have fought him. For a split second I thought about it. Pushing him away and making one last run for it. For freedom.

But honestly I just couldn't. I truly didn't have any fight left in me. They won. And once again, I lost.

The Colonel was about twenty feet ahead of us when I felt him pull me back toward him.

I didn't know what to expect when his lips moved by my ear but it certainly wasn't what he said.

"I'm sorry. You have to trust me, Len."

And scene!
What do you think, guys? Leave me a comment. And vote! Love you guys ...

        - Beth

(P.s the next chapter we will see how Damon feels about all this 😏😉😘)

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