Chapter 12

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Happy Friday!

Enjoy... :)


The day after waking up from my memory. I make my desision.

Im not done. No.

I wouldnt give up. I still want to die, yes. How much easier that would be.


Damon and my mom are right. There is hope. Somehow, some way there was hope. I would not die here.

They won't get to me. They cannot break me anymore then they already have. With this new revealation in my heart, I began to throw myself into my work.

I go through the motions of everything. I am no longer there. I am emotionless. Not really. It wasnt me living.

No. It was me surviving. Some days out in the field, I would catch little glimpses of Damon. He never came to me.

He never even looked at me. And I didnt dare go to him.

I didn't dare look at him. But when the sun is scortching me and the work was blistering my hands. Thoughts of him seem to surface.

The rational part of me hates him. Hates every striking feature of his gloriously handsome face.That part couldnt stop the other more dreamy and hope filled part of me from wondering about the what if's.

In another world, in another time he would be the kind of boy who I would graciously take his hand and never look back. He would have smiled and laughed with my father.

Smiled politely at my mother. Played happily with Lea.

I know deep down that I shouldnt be thinking these silly thoughts.Its stupid. Its selfish.

So I avoid him. I avoid looking at him, I avoid thinking of him. But one day as the work is winding down. All the girls in my group have quit for the day.

I dont.

The work is hard.

Painful. But busy. When Im working I dont think. I just do. I am finally letting myself wrap up and start to go inside when I hear a voice from behind me.

Its one that I hoped to never have to hear again.

"Well, well, well if it is the sleeping girl."

Colonel Hoess stared at me, a chill of ice cold fear went through me.

"Uh ca - can I help you, Sir?"

"I heard there was still one of you out here. I didn't expect it to be you, Sleeper."

His voice was a hiss smooth and cooler then the ideas of winter. Like a sneering snake ready to strike.

Nothing at all like his son Damons smooth soft sweet voice. I say nothing and just keep my head low. Once again he reminds me of an animal.

This time he's a rabid dog. If you meet its eyes its first instinct is to attack.

"Well since you seem to like being out here for so long... your work hours are hereby extented. You are to stay out three hours past the others! And as for right now straight to your bed! No supper!"

I should have known he would find fault with even this. But there is nothing at all that I can do. I can't fight him or this. I brought this all down on myself.

Just when I think that I'm on the brink of giving up again... That defiant part of me shines through making me feel stronger than ever.

Making me feel unwounded, unbroken. Making me feel whole again if only for a second.

Let them give me more work!

In the end of it all, they are making me stronger.

They won't bring me down.

Not now.

Not ever.

So I just lift my head up high to meet his evil dark eyes.

And say...

"Yes Sir, Of course, Sir."


Sorry Its short..... But no worries I'll be uploading more often..

Don't forget to comment... Whatdya think?

- Beth

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