Yn: chenle!!! Jisung!! Let's get you home!
Jisung: ey noona
Chenle: cant we just sleep here? For tonight?
Jisung: just for tonight noona~Yn sighed
Yn: fine, ill call oppa
The two jumped up and down while Yn grab her phone and dialed jaehyun's number
Yn: hello? Bro
???: hey Yn, this is winwinWinwin spoke in Chinese
Yn: oh hi winwin
Yn spoke in chinese too
Yn: where is my brother?
Winwin: he's probably with Taeil hyung
Yn: oh, uhm can you tell him that chenle and Jisung aren't going home tonight?
Winwin: why?
Yn: uhm they dont seem like the idea of going home, and im here anyways so ill babysit them hehe
Winwin: okay, ill tell him that, and also, your going back in the house tomorrow
Yn: really?
Winwin: yea, taeyong hyung said the security is now secured and its much better to let you move back here again
Yn: oh, then great, chenle and jisung could help me with my bags
Winwin: and also please tell the two that they're in big trouble
Yn: wh- oh okay, ill tell them
Winwin: see you tomorrow
Yn: mhhh byeThe call ended and Yn sighed and look up to the boys
Yn: im going to miss them, especially jun
???: do you like jun hyung?Yn flinched by the voice and look behind her and saw Mingyu making his way beside her
Mingyu: do you like him?
Yn: no
Mingyu: then why would you miss him the most? And not me?
Yn: because you're mingyu? And jun in Jun
Mingyu: what a lame reason, I didn't mean to eavesdrop but your going back tomorrow?
Yn: yea, your sad?
Mingyu: kinda, but im glad that i spend time with you
Yn: me too, ill miss you
Mingyu: need a hug?
Yn: can i?Mingyu opened his arms wide as Yn hugged him without hesitation, mingyu hugged ger back while caressing her back gently
Chenle's Pov
I was focused on the game but suddenly my stomach grumbled
Chenle: jisung-ah, im hungry, ill go get some food
Jisung: get me some candy or chips
Chenle: okayI stood up from my seat and was about to walk to the kitchen when i saw Yn noona with Mingyu hyung, they seem to be having a conversation
Suddenly mingyu hyung opened his arms wide as Yn noona hugged him instantly, it was a cringe view yet sweet view, i took my phone out and took a photo of them secretly
Chenle: they actually would be a great couple
I smiled softly forgetting that i have to feed my self
Yn pov
I broke the hug and smiled at Mingyu
Yn: gonna miss you too buddy
Mingyu: im still going to see you tho
Yn: yea i know but i just want to have a moment
Mingyu: yuck
Yn: aish!Yn hit Mingyu's head
Mingyu: ah! Yah! JUNG YN!
Yn: why did you have to ruin a once in a life time moment?!
Mingyu: well, im sorry!
???: yknow im here infront of you two but i cant help to think that you two are so bipolar
Mingyu & Yn: WEN JUNHUI!
Jun: okay, im sorryThen the three laughed
Yn: when did you get here?
Jun: ever since you called you brother
Yn: oh yea, how come I didn't notice you at all?
Jun: btch im a ghost?Jun did the tiktok dance, and the two chuckled
Mingyu: or maybe because your too quiet lately?
Yn: maybe both?
Jun: so you mean im a ghost?
Mingyu: maybe?
Yn: well, maybe?
Yn: because i have thought of killing in my head every single time you make a noise?
Mingyu: maybe you really are a ghost?
Jun: then that means your a ghost too?Yn and mingyu look at jun with a confused face and the they both look at each other
Mingyu& yn: who? Me?
Jun:both of you
Yn: what the hell?
Mingyu: why?
Jun: because i also have thought of killing you the two of you in my head for a million times
Yn: Aishhh!!Mingyu smirked and spoke
Mingyu: well I have already dreamed of killing the both of you too!
Jun: then we're all a ghost
Yn: then should we have a ghost party?
Jun: wait, aren't we going to get arrested for murdering?
Yn: ey, no way, they wont know that we killed each other
Mingyu: why?
Yn: its called magic!
Jun: ohhhh you're getting smarter YnJun coed and Yn put on a satisfied grin
Mingyu: then if we got caught we should all go to mars
Yn: ill definitely book a flight for the 3 of us
Jun: should we bring joshua and Faith too?
Mingyu: ey, no! They'll get married and end up having kids so why bother them?
Jun: right! Only single people have to know about our plan
Yn: but before that should we wait for Faith to gave birth?Yn asked as the two look at her confused
Yn: duh i want to see Joshua and Faith's genes being combined
Mingyu: woah, that would be amazing
Jun: i would get jealous of not having a kid but still their genes being combined woah
Mingyu: and we should also leave a money behind for our niece and nephew
Yn: we should attend their wedding tho
Jun: i wish ill be the best man in their wedding
Yn: for sure ill be the maid of honor
Mingyu: then we should wait till they get married!!!
Yn: right!! And if we're going to mars can't i bring renjun too? He got some friends from outer spaceThe three parted ways leaving the boys with a wtf look on their faces
Scoups:what just happened?
Dino: they are far from normal
Jeonghan:should we send them in the hospital?
Seungkwan:im sure they must have hurt their head
Dk: was that kind of a dream?
Vernon: nope it isnt, that a dream!
Woozi: they're weird. . . .
Wonwoo: i think we should send them in an asylum
Joshua: i agree with wonwoo
Faith: what ever you say ill go with what ever Joshua say, i don't understand-a thing
Jisung: should we call jaehyun hyung?
Chenle: no we shouldn't, hyung will just get hurt seeing his sister not in her right mind
Hoshi: that's right, we shouldn't hurt someone else instead we should love them!Hoshi faced woozi
Hoshi: horanghae!
Hoshi did his most famous tiger pose
Woozi: kumanhae! (Stop it)
The8: should we also send him in an asylum?
Joshua: yea, we should
Scoups: ill call the hospital later to get them check
Seungkwan: araso~
The8: lets forget about this and go back to what were doing
Dk: that would be a great ideaAnd the boys sighed and went back minding their own business

FanfictionA story of a girl knowing her brother is an idol and now she is living with her brother's members. What would happen to her life?