Chapter 26

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Yn waits for-a taxi to stop in-front of her, her phone rang and saw the Caller's ID, it was Faith.

Yn, answered the call

Yn: babyyyyyyyy!
[she's speaking in english since her friend cant speak korean]
Faith: Guess what! Im in korea!!!
Yn: really?! When did you arrive?
Faith: i arrive yesterday and i was about to call you but i got tired and fell asleep
Yn: oh thats okay, so why did you call?
Faith: can you see a Blue sports car near you?

Yn looked around looking for a Blue sports car, and saw a Blue sports car

Yn: yea, i see one, why?
Faith: thats me! Come here
Yn: holy crap!

Yn hang up and ran to the car full of excitements, the windows opened revealing Faith

Faith: cool right? This is a Chevrolet Corvette stingray
Yn: woah! This is so freaking cool!!
Faith: yea i know right, so you drive the car

Faith went out of the car and hands me the keys and went over to the passenger seat and Yn sat in the driver's seat

Yn starts the engine and drove slowly at first

Faith: yah! Is this how you drive?
Yn: nope
Faith: then drive like how you normally drive
Yn: okay, dont blame me if you puke

Yn drove full speed making Faith close her eyes and holds tight in her seatbelt

Faith: HEY!! STOP!!!!

Yn stopped and faith went out and puke, Yn laugh at her reaction, Faith went back inside and sat on her seat

Faith: wtf why did you drive so fast? I thought i was going to die!
Yn: you told me to drive fast!
Faith: urgh, drive in a normal speed and can we open the roof? I need fresh air or ill puke again
Yn: but i cant do that, im still in my uniform
Faith: why cant you freaking do that?
Yn: rules, there's this rule that "students are not allowed to wear their uniforms outside of the campus"

Faith look at Yn with a shookt face

Faith: wah, you follow rules? What happen to you?
Yn: duh i do follow rules
Faith: your not my bad bish that i know!
Yn: im still your bad bish  y'know?

Faith look at her with a "really?" face

Faith: look idc if you violate the rules, but i really cant stop my self from puking if we're driving with aircon

Yn imagined Faith puking in the car, she gagged thinking of that

Yn: fck i cant let you do that! Faith come on
Faith: wait, then change into this

Faith grabbed some clothes on the trunk and hand it to Yn, Yn look at faith

Yn: you want me to wear this?are we going on a party or something? Gosh
Faith: you wear that kinds of clothes duh
Yn:its too revealing
Faith: come on!
Yn: urgh fine

Yn wore the clothes that faith handed to her since she had no choice, also because just incase people from her school might see her, and that could get her in trouble

Yn wore this

Yn: do you really have to give me this kind of dress?Faith: i was going to a party later and thats the only one that is not that TOO revealing Yn: so your saying there are more revealing clothes than this one?Faith: yea, come on lets drive

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Yn: do you really have to give me this kind of dress?
Faith: i was going to a party later and thats the only one that is not that TOO revealing
Yn: so your saying there are more revealing clothes than this one?
Faith: yea, come on lets drive

Yn open the top and drove

Faith: that really suits you
Yn: its my style but its not suitable in this country
Faith: ohh, you still like revealing clothes ey
Yn: ofc, like this kind of clothes
Faith: cant you wear more revealing?

Yn looked at Faith with a poker face and went back focusing on the road

Yn: i really dont get why your name is Faith but you aren't really faithful
Faith: ask my parents, where are we goingV
Yn: to the beachhhh
Faith: then drive full speed so that we wouldn't miss the sun set

Faith played the music " I spy" loudly as Yn drove full speed and stopped since the traffic lights turned red

The two are waiting for the lights to turn to green but little did they know, the dreamies are looking at them

Jeno: guys you see that car? Ohhh thats so cool
Jaemin: omaygahddd!!! Isn't that a Chevrolet Corvette stingray in BLUE?
Chenle: im buying that car
Haechan: and the girl that is driving, looks somewhat familiar
Renjun: isn't that Yn noona?
Jisung: its her
Jaemin: ohhh sexy~
Jeno: I thought she went home?
Chenle: im taking a photo of this

Chenle took a photo of Yn,jisung cover his own eyes seeing Yn in a revealing outfit while jaemin looks at the girl beside Yn

Jeno: shit we have to cross the street
Haechan: oh lets go

The dreamies cross the street looking at Yn who is in the very front, Yn notice them, and was shookt she smiled at them not letting them notice how nervous she is rightnow since she is still grounded and the boys might report this to her brother

The boys have crossed the street but stayed at the side looking at jaehee, there's still 7 seconds before the lights turn green









Yn drive full speed since she's very nervous by being caught by the dreamies, and she knew that her brother will tell their mom about this and if that happens she'll be grounded for another week

—————— TO BE CONTINUED ——————

This is like the 2nd chapter that i kept bringing up "the grounded" thing, well cant think of anything...

I know that y'all might be curious why i change it back to Yn, well i think its more enjoyable imagining your self being the character

Idk what happen in the chapter 25 but im sure that i changed it back to Yn but when I scanned it after I publish it half of the chapter was Jaehee, and im sorry for that :)

Anywaysss, Hope y'all like thissssss chapterrrrr!!!!!
love lotssss💚

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