Chapter 30

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The members run downstairs shouting, as Scoups's eyes widen shock by what he saw


Dk scream as he run downstairs with the members

Joshua: didn't tell you what?
Dino: that you we're a part of the JJZ Company
Jeonghan: wait what?! Let me see!

Dino hands his phone to jeonghan, and joshua also looked at the phone


_JJZFASHION  welcome to the family Joshua Hong, we are happy to be having you as a part of our family

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_JJZFASHION welcome to the family Joshua Hong, we are happy to be having you as a part of our family. We're looking forward working with you. @saythename_17 #WelcomeJoshuaHong

Buddy, Welcome!!!

Joshua's eyes widen as he went speechless

Hoshi: aren't they the one who had a Tiger collection last month?
Seungkwan: they had tiger collection!
Hoshi: ahh hyung, im jealous!!

Hoshi whined at joshua and at the members

Jun: I heard its very hard to be part of that company, so how did you get in?
Joshua: i made an Appointment with the C-company

Joshua stuttered

Woozi: congrats hyung
Wonwoo: congrats hyung!
Scoups: yah, it says here "buddy, welcome" that means your friends with JJZ?
Seungkwan: have you seen her face?
Mingyu: If you have seen her face ill be very jealous
Joshua: wait, ill just call Y-, uhm JJZ

Then joshua went to his room and called Yn

Joshua: yah!! Really thank you!!! Ahh im part of my dream company!!! Thank youuu! I love you so muchhh!!! Ahhhhh

Yn giggles as Faith listen to him

Faith: aren't you going to thank me?
Joshua: oh! Thank youuu, just know that i love youuuuuuuu!!!
Faith: i hate youuuuuuuu
Joshua: sameeeee!!

Yn laugh hard at them

Faith: ill send the contract later to seal our deal
Joshua: alright! Thanks, again I love youuuuuu!
Yn: Faith aren't you going to reply back?
Faith: reply what? You sh*t
Yn: well that was rude! And reply to him!
Joshua: come kn faith i know you love me too hahaha
Faith: the heck?! But love you tho
Joshua: ohhhhh~
Yn: i guess someone has a date on valentines!!!
Joshua: dont expect much Yn-ah~
Yn: okay okayy, so we gtg now, call you laterrrrr! And ill be home quite late!
Joshua: k, careful!

The call ended

Yn and Faith drove off this late at night its 10pm, Yn drove with ger car and Faith drove with her's

There we're no cars in the street, its too peaceful, Yn lowered the roof of her car as Faith did the same thing, they stopped since the traffic light is red

Faith: so? Race?
Yn: lets?
Faith: im going to beat you this time
Yn: lets test my new baby

And the light turned green

The two drove very fast, Faith giggle as she drive, while Yn smiles, Faith speed up making Yn behind her, Yn also speed up catching up with faith, Faith tried to block her way, but she wasn't focused on the road, little did she know, a boy was crossing the road, Yn saw the boy crossing the street, she also notice that faith isn't looking at the road


With that Faith looked infront of her and saw the boy, she was driving with full speed, she closed her eyes and instantly stepped on the brakes, Yn also stepped on the brakes and instantly got off of her car to check on Faith

She to Faith's car and checked Faith,Faith's eyes we're still closed

Faith: did i h-hit him?
Yn: no, you didn't, i dont think so

Faith got off of her car and went to check in front

She saw the boy on the ground and she panicked

Faith: i think i hit him!!!!

Yn went to the boy and checked his pulse, luckily he still has a pulse, yn sighed in relief and broke down in the ground

Yn: he's okay, he just fainted

Faith sighed and she sat at the ground breaking down

Faith: fck I almost hit a person
Yn: luckily he just fainted
Faith: lets wake him up

Yn shake the boy, to wake him up, he cant really see the boy's face since he has mask on and a hat

The boy woke up, and instantly saw Yn

???: AHHH!!! NOONA??? NOONA!!!!

He hugged Yn, as Yn finds his voice familiar

Yn: nana?

She mumbles, the broke the hug and starts talking very fast and shouting at the same time

Yn: you weren't hit Jaemin-ah

Jaemin sigh in relief

Yn: but you almost died from a car accident
Jaemin: AHHHH!

Jaemin fainted again

Yn panic as she shake him up, the she look at Faith

Yn: lets bring him home
Faith: o-okay
Yn: help me carry him

Faith helped yn carry jaemin in Yn's car and they drove to NCT's house

>>>>>>>>>TO BE CONTINUED<<<<<<<<<

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