Chapter 152

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Doyoung's POV

Hoshi: what happened? She got hit? How?

He asked as he drove really fast, He was over taking some car, for sure other drivers were pissed because of us, but who cares! We're talking about Yn here, Her before anything!

Doyoung: I don't know, Taeyong hyung just told me she got hit by a truck
Hoshi: A TRUCK?

He yelled in shock, I was also shocked when I heard that she was hit by a damn truck, it wasn't just a car, but a damn truck

Hoshi: is she okay?
Doyoung: I don't know

I still can't process everything in my head

Hoshi: shit I need to call Wonwoo

He dialed wonwoo's number and had it in a loud speaker, after a few rings, he answered

Hoshi: Wonwoo-ah
Wonwoo: what? Why did you call?
Hoshi: it's about Yn
Wonwoo: Yn? Wha-
Hoshi: she got hit, and were going to the hospital, I'm going to send you what hospital-

He didn't even finish talking Wonwoo already hang up the call, Hoshi sighed and Focused on driving

After minutes of driving we finally got to the hospital, we didn't bother to park the car properly, who cares about that damn car anyway

Taeyong sent me what number is Yn's room, we ran towards her room, We opened the door to see Jaehyun holding the girl's hand, we went to him and saw Yn's state, she had an oxygen mask on her and a ventilator beside her and more tubes

I felt my legs become weak but I forced myself to stand up, Jaehyun look at me and I sighed

Jaehyun: Hyung

He bitterly smiled, I went to him and gave him a pat on the shoulder, I bet his having a hard time, but he is also trying to be okay

Jaehyun: Hyung
Doyoung: are you alright?
Jaehyun: i-I'm fine, but Y-Yn

Tears started to fall from his eyes, and that was so devastating, Jaehyun never cried like this, it's really painful to see him like this and Yn in a hospital bed with an oxygen for her to breath

Doyoung: tell me what happened

My voice was shaking

Jaehyun: i-I was parking my car, and there's this crowd around a truck, I heard Jane's screaming, i-I ran to the c-crowd and s-saw y-Yn on the g-ground bleeding
Doyoung: where is Jane? Is she alright?
Jaehyun: s-she was bleeding, s-she got into an urgent l-labor

I let out a relieve sigh, I'm glad that nothing happened to jane and the baby, Yn? crap, I'm getting crazy

Hoshi: Yn is fine right?

I almost forgot hoshi's presence, I look at him and didn't say anything, Jaehyun also look at him and didn't speak

Hoshi: Yn is a tough, she will be fine
Jaehyun: I know

He said, I then look at Yn and caress her face, she is so beautiful when she sleeps but she has to wake up as soon as possible or else the dreamies will be out of control

Jaehyun: why are you smiling?

Jaehyun asked, I didn't notice that I was smiling

Doyoung: I was just worried, without her dreamies will be out of hand

Jaehyun let out a small yet bitter chuckle  

Jaehyun: Yn, you heard that? You have to wake up! You still have to scold the dreamies, they ate all of your gummy bears the other day

we all chuckle, hoshi went to hold Yn's other hand and caress it

Hoshi: you still have to give me that tiger collection you have for free!
Jaehyun:  you heard that sister? So wake up
Doyoung: wake up Yn-ah, you said you'll help me get revenge on lee Haechan

we all burst in laughter, I'm glad that the mood was lifted for a few minutes, But soon broke down because the door opened, revealing Yn's boyfriend, Wonwoo

He ran towards Yn, and hoshi move aside, he instantly held Yn's hand, and say noting, he wasn't crying or anything, he was looking at Yn with worried and sad eyes

Wonwoo's POV

Hoshi: Wonwoo-ah

I hummed, I was scared and worried to death when I got Hoshi's call, I can't bear to loose Yn, I can't, I really can't imagine loosing her

Hoshi: her brother is here

He gave me a pat, I look at her brother and gave him a tight smile and stood up to check if he is fine

Wonwoo: are you fine? Did something happen to you?

I asked him, I know Yn cares for her brother so much that she cares about him more than herself, I know that

Jaehyun: I'm fine, Yn was-
Wonwoo: I know; I'm glad your fine

I was really glad that he is fine, Yn would go nuts if something happens to him

Jaehyun: the doctor said she in a deep state of unconsciousness
Wonwoo: she'll be fine

I assured, I know she will be fine, she is a strong girl and she will for sure wake up

Hoshi: should we give you space?
Doyoung: let's give them space, let's go
Jaehyun: Taeyong is with jane, it's in the room in front Yn's

I saw them nod and the both left, and I'm left with Jaehyun, Yn's brother

Babe, this is awkward, you should really wake up, I didn't expect to meet your brother in this kind of situation

Jaehyun: how long were you two dating?
Wonwoo: uh its been some months
Jaehyun; treat my sister nicely... Hyung

I look at him surprised, he called me Hyung, Right, Im older than him by one year

Jaehyun: can I call you Hyung? I mean you're older than me by a year so i-
Wonwoo: I don't mind, and I will treat your sister nicely
Jaehyun: you should or else you'll be beaten up by 23 guys

He chuckles and I shake my head disagreeing

Wonwoo: not just 23 but 35 guys, including seventeen, they're like her brothers, especially Mingyu Jun and Joshua, They took an oath to protect her

We both snicker, its true Yn have tons of brothers, both Nct and Seventeen

Jaehyun: look, sister, me and your boyfriend talked, I'm sure you'll be happy
Wonwoo: she is happy, I know she can hear us, so Yn wake up

I care her hand, and smiled happily at her looking at her

Wake up princess, you need to wake up, we still have a date remember? You still have to pay me for the counselling! And babe Faith is coming home, so you really have to wake up,love, wake up, I miss you already love, so please open your eyes and give me a tight hug

last update for today!!

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