Chapter 101

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The 99 liners have arrived at seoul after that long ass ride, i meant drive, long ass drive

Dino: I'll text the hyungs that im here at seoul
Yn: no need ill just drop you off
Dino: why?
Yn: because.... They might be uh busy? I dont want to disturb them yknow

Dino eyed Yn, he's like staring at her suspiciously while nodding slowly, and that bothered Yn ngl

Yn: stop eyeing me and just play with matcha
Dino: pfft, i know you just want to see someone
Yn: shut up and play with matcha!
Dino: so im right?
Yn: what are you talking about?
Dino:you like Wonwoo hyung right?!

Yn accidentally stepped on the brakes, and Dino almost went flying out id it weren't for his seat belt, and Mark's car which is right behind her almost crash onto her expensive ass car

Dino: I ALMOST DIED!!!!!
Yn:s-sorry, anyways j-just shut up

Yn starts to drive again and she received a call from Mark and she was greeted by a loud nag from the boy

Yn: sorry!! You dont have to yell!
Mark: dude Lucas And Xiaojun called me and yelled at be for almost making them crash at me too!!!!
Yn: Im sorry, anywaysssss i have to drop Dino off first then ill see y'all at home
Mark: okay, ill tell the othe-

Mark cut him self off when he saw Yn drove fast, making her out of his sight

Yn: shut up!

And then he hang up, Yn chuckled and then glance at Dino and she Laughed, Dino was holding his seatbelt so tight with his eyes closed

Yn: oh my goodness, you're such a baby!
Yn: pfft, we're almost there

And after 6 mins of driving very fast, they finally arrived at Seventeen's house, as soon as Yn parked her car, Dino went out and puke which shook Yn, she went to Dino and rub his back

Yn: there, there-
???: YN!!

Yn look back and saw The8 walking towards us

Yn: oh hey!!!

Yn waved at him and as soon as he was right infront of her he noticed dino, puking

The8: what happened? Dino? Hey you okay?

He instantly asked some questions, as he helped Dino by patting his back

Yn: uh, sorry its kind of my fault, i drove too fast

Yn awkwardly smiled at The8 and he just giggled, and Finally Dino finish puking all of the food he ate, he stood up and sighed

Dino: im not riding your car ever again especially when you're driving
Yn: pfft, it wasn't that bad tho
Dino: not bad? You literally went flying!!
Yn: well thank you for the compliment

Yn said sarcastically as she smack him in the arm which made the boy wince in pain, and The8 just stood there laughing

Dino: hyung just help me get my luggage
The8:okay okay
Dino:where are the others?
The8:inside, we're having a pool party, so Yn will you join?
Yn: ill pass, i have to get home
Dino: then go!
Yn: ill go when you get inside hehe

She smiled awkwardly, well she obviously went here to see one specific person but I guess she wont see that person today

Dino on the other hand know the reason why she wants to stay little bit longer, and of course as her loyal friend he thought of helping her

The8: by the way, i was surprised to know that you're a ceo, it was so shocking
Yn:oh well, sorry for not telling you all sooner
The8: its fine, plus we're very honored to be close with you
Yn: dont flatter me too much, anyways you two should go in

Dino nudge The8 and smiled at Yn

Dino: no, you should see the hyungs first
The8: oh right
Yn: no, its fine, ill just get going
Dino. Come on for sure they'll be happy to see you

Before the gal could respond Dino dragged her inside and there she goes, she is Right infront of 11 shirtless boys, except the8 and Dino, the8 was left outside

Scoups: YNNNNN!!!! HIIII!!

Scoups waved at her happily from the pool, as well as the other boys, Mingyu was about to launch at her but Yn pushed him really hard, which made him Pout like a baby

Yn: sorry, i dont want to get wet
Mingyu: oh, yea, anyways how are you?
Yn: great? You?
Jun: we're good, and how's lying to us huh?

Jun suddenly spoke, which made Yn happy and guilty at the same time, she felt sorry for lying to her besties, tho they're not in the same age but dude age doesn't matter

Mingyu: hyung shut up!
Seungkwan: we're happy to see you here Yn, dont mind Jun hyung
Jun: you need to explain!
Yn: Joshua can explain to you, i have to go now

Dino look at Yn and then the boys, he saw that one person is missing, dino saw him earlier but he disappeared

Dino: you sure you dont want to stay?
Yn: nah, my bro needs me at home
Jeonghan: then you should go now
Hoshi: let me see you out
Yn: oh no no its okay you can just have fun
Dk: you sure?
Yn: yea, go and do your thing
Vernon: no ill see you out, lets go
Yn: vernon, no need, just enjoy, and Jun bro dont get mad
Jun: whatever,lets go

Jun drag Yn out and when they we're outside they saw Wonwoo leaning on Yn's car, Jun look at Yn and cleared his throat, and Yn look up since Jun is too tall, she can see Jun's smirk


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