???: YN!!!
Yn groaned by a loud scream
Yn: stfu!! Its early in the morning!
???: yah! Wake up you have to see this!!
Yn: urgh!! Jun-ah! Please let me get more sleep
Jun: yah! Come on, don't be a lazy ass!Yn sighed
Yn: o-oppa, please?
Yn whined, jun look at her with a shookt face and just froze in his spot
Its the first time that Yn called him oppa, and he never expect that this day would come
Jun: d-did you just call me oppa?
Yn: pwease? Let me be oppaYn whined, her eyes were still closed, and its obvious that she's sleepy
Jun suddenly smiled at the sight of her
Jun: dork
Jun mumbled, almost forgetting to wake Yn up to see something that would actually shock Yn
Yn: pwease, go out!
Jun: but wait, you really have to see this
Yn: hey, i have bad hangover rightnow so please let me be!This time Yn isn't sleepy anymore, yn groaned as she felt throwing up
Jun: aigoo, i told you not to drink to much last night but you didn't listen
Yn: please dont nag the sh*t out of me early in the morning!
Jun: first come with me!Jun grabbed Yn's wrist and drag her to a room
Yn stood in her place, she was shock by what she's seeing rightnow
Jun: now you're awake!
Yn: b-but wha- wtf?!
Jun: exactly!
Yn: why are they naked and cuddling?
Jun: its pretty obvious YnYn's mouth were hanging realizing what Jun meant
Yn: s-so you're telling me, that J-joshua
Jun: oh yea
Yn: and f-faith?
Jun: yea, them
Yn: t-they did i-it?
Jun: obviouslyYn 's mouth agape, her hand went to her mouth covering her shock expression, while jun kept nodding nonstop
Yn: tell me this is a dream
Jun pinch Yn's arm, and Yn flinched
Yn: WTF!
Yn screamed loudly, making jun flinch, and making joshua and Faith groan by the noise
Joshua: u-urgh be quiet
Joshua sleep talked as he pull faith closer and wrapping his arm on her waist, as faith groaned with a smile in her face
Faith: mhhmhmmm, g-good morning~
Faith mumbled as she hug joshua back
Jun and Yn stood still not making any noises that could probably wake the two up
Joshua: g-good morning baby~
Faith: a-are you awake?
Joshua: n-no, i want to sleep more baby
Faith: me too babyThe two were cuddling eachother, while Yn's mouth agape by the sight infront of her, while jun's eyes widen
Jun: do they not know that we're here?
Yn: obviously no!The two whispered to each other , not having a plan on leaving the room, they just watch the two being sweet and stuff, not even bothering to cover their eyes since the lovers were still naked
Faith: im cold baby
Joshua: let me grab a shirt for you
Faith: mhhhh thanks~Before separating from each other joshua pecked faith's lips as faith just smiled still not opening her eyes
Joshua sat up, still not noticing the two human beings infront of him, the blankets were on his waist, revealing his mascular upper body
Joshua look at Faith and cover her with blankets, more like fixing the blankets, a smile pestered on his face
He stood up and went to his cabinet grabbing a t-shirt and a boxer, he wore the boxer
, jun and Yn on the other hand were shookt
Joshua was fully naked, luckily Jun was fast enough to cover Yn's eyes before joshua can fully stand up from the bed
Yn: thank you so much from protecting these virgin eyes of mine
Yn spoke in a fast pace with a squeaky voice, as jun remove his hands seeing joshua wearing his boxer
Joshua heard Yn's squeaky voice, and face that direction and saw Yn and Jun, with eyes widen
Joshua: Jun! Y-yn?!
To be continued
This is a short one so, ill post the next chapter in a few minutes💚

FanfictionA story of a girl knowing her brother is an idol and now she is living with her brother's members. What would happen to her life?