Chapter 63

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Yn woke up from her slumber by the heat, it was so hot, she was covered in sweat her clothes were soaked

Yn stretched her muscles and look around her room, and saw the clock it 7am in the morning, so she stood up from her bed and went to her bathroom

Yn took a bath and did her routine and change in a nude cropped tank top and black highwaist shorts since its too hot also because its summer

Yn went to her bed side table and grabbed her phone and her dog and they went downstairs

When she went out od her room, she can hear the boys sound in the living room

Yn: tf? What's with the noise?! Urgh!

She complained as she walk by the stairs going to the living room, she's very much sensitive since yknow period:)

She passed by the living room and saw the boys watching something in the television, it looks like the dreamies seeing some kids song

The boys laugh at the video of the dreamies the "Dino ABC"

Lucas: chenle looks like he had enough
Mark: well it was fun filming that tho
Jeno: yea, i agree
Doyoung: Jeno is the cutest

Haechan look at doyoung with his innocent eyes

Haechan: how about me?
Renjun: just shut up, you aren't cute you're far from cute

Haechan shot a glare at renjun and Renjun shrugged it off

Yn watched them from behind and stroll at the kitchen

She was walking around looking for something and at that moment Kun was also in the kitchen he was minding his own business

Yn keep looking around and eventually sighed making kun look at her, he hesitated but still asked

Kun: uhm, are you looking for something?

Yn look at kun and you can clearly see her eyes went from sad to happy, kun chuckled and went to her, and pat her head

Kun: so what are you looking for?
Yn: dog food, i have to feed my dog
Kun: oh i see, does chenle have dog food?
Yn: ofc he does he has a dog
Kun: i think its in his room, ill go get some for uhm uh, what's his name?

Kun pointed at Yn's dog

Yn: oh he is uhm idk I haven't name him yet, do you want to help me naming this little guy?
Kun: oh sure, ill just get his food in Chenle's room
Yn: okay, thank you

Kun smiled before going out of the kitchen leaving Yn in there alone

Meanwhile boys POV

The boys were watching the dreamies "dino ABC" and was cracking up because of their jokes while teasing the dreamies

Chenle: well, lets all agree that we we're cute especially my son

Chenle winked at Mark and mark laugh

Haechan: im the cutest!

Haechan demanded making Renjun feel like he's about to throw up

Jaemin: Jisung-ie is the cutest among all of us!
Jisung: uh, i dont think so

The hyung laugh at the dreamies reaction

Johnny: well, I do have to agree y'all are the cutest
Taeyong: and you all look hood in the safari outfit thing
Mark: oh really? I thought it was so cute like for real
Yangyang: ngl I thing czennies might watch that more that the kids will
Doyoung: im going to watch that everyday since Jeno is so cute
Jeno: ah hyung, you're making me shy

Then everyone laugh their ass out, except for one, Lucas

Mark: yow lucas, you okay?
Lucas: nope, not at all!
Jungwoo: hey, what's the problem?
Lucas: im calling Lee Soo man seonsaengnim!

The boys attention went to Lucas instantly as he grabbed his phone to call the company, but luckily Ten was there beside him and he grabbed his phone before he could do things that he would've get in trouble with

Lucas: hey man, give my phone back
Ten: nope,I ain't giving your phone back unless you tell us why you're calling the company
Lucas: Im going to complain!
Taeil: complain?
Lucas: yes! Im going to complain how i am not part of dream!

The boys end up laughing at Lucas's immature attitude the dreams we're laughing hard especially mark, his laugh is all over the house

Lucas: yow, when mark joined dream i am left alone and im neumu lonely, but now im neumu happy!

Lucas had his hands up in the air like a kid asking their parents to carry them, the boys laughed at him even more, and this time not only Mark's laugh was echoing in the whole house but all the boys's laugh


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