Chapter 56

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Yn went out of the house and its 7pm so there's still lots of shop open, she drove to a convenient store look for pads she also brought her dog with her

Yn went to the pads section and grabbed 4 packs of long pads, she also grabbed 3 different mints, 6 different chips and about 12 different chocolates and she bought some dog treat

She went to the cashier and payed for the things she bought and went back to her car

Yn was about to start her engine but her phone started to ring, she look at the caller's ID and answered it

Yn: Dad?
Dad: hey sweetie
Yn: what now?
Dad: what's with the attitude?
Yn: dont need to know, why did you call?

Yn can gear ger dad's sigh from the other line

Dad: your brother called, and told me that you left home
Yn: dad, I just need to buy stuff
Dad: okay, but tell me what's wrong sweetie
Yn: dad there's nothing wrong

Yn's voice was sweet and wasn't cold or mean

Dad: you sure?
Yn: yea, i just need to buy some girls stuff yknow, its my time of the month

Yn sighed and her dad laugh

Dad: that's why you have that gloomy attitude, you're on your period, that explains why you're being cold
Yn: no im not!
Dad: the boys will have a hard time this week i guess
Yn: urgh! Dad!
Dad: okay sweetie, i have to wash the dishes before your mom could throw the plates at me

Yn chuckled

Yn: go on dad, you better do it before mom throws a fit at you
Dad: yea, okay sweetie stay safe AND BE KIND!
Yn: okay dad, ill try tho, and also dont tell oppa that im on my period he'll be embarrassing me
Dad: okay okay, dont stress yourself out love you
Yn: love you too Dad, tell mom i said hi, bye

Then the call ended, Yn giggled and started her engine And drove

Yn pass at an ice cream shop, and she instantly stopped and went inside leaving her dong inside the car alone

Yn went to the counter

Yn: hi, can i get a matcha flavor? And a blueberry and also chocolate?
Girl: sure, what size can i get you?
Yn: uhm do you have like tube thing? Like 350ml containers? And also i want them separated

The girl look at Yn weirdly and nodded

Girl: we do have those, uhm it'll be 16,000 won
Yn: uhm and also i want to add a strawberry and a caramel one
Girl: oh okay, that will be 20,000 won

Yn gave her credit card to the girl and payed with it, after paying she waited for about 5 minutes and her orders are done, she went out and drove to the house

Yn parked her car and organized the things she bought, she put the ice creams on an eco friendly bag, while she put the plastic full of chips in top of the ice cream and carried them on one hand and put the other plastic bag filled with pads and mints and chocolate on her other hand her phone and wallet were in her pocket and as for her dog she let him followed from behind

Yn couldn't open the door with her hands since its occupied so she started kicking the door, she kicked the door quite hard, after kicking it for like 10 times she got pissed and put the bags with ice cream on the ground and opened the door her self, she carried the bag again and went inside with her dog following her

As soon as she stepped inside the boys we're in the living room, which made her pissed since none of them heard her kicking the door

Yn: you're all in the fcking living room yet you couldn't hear me kicking that goddamn door!

She said it out loud for everyone to hear and it succeeded and she also spoke in Chinese

Yn then walk out and went to her room stomping her feet

Johnny: what was she talking about?
Ten: she said " you're all in the fcking living room yet you couldn't hear me kicking that goddamn door!"

Ten translated in korean making them understand

Jaehyun: what's wrong with her? And who's dog is that?!

Jaehyun ask in a annoyed tone after seeing Yn's dog running around the living room

Chenle: idk maybe it's hers?
Jisung: it's hers
Jaehyun: when did she have a dog?
Taeil: and why is there another dog in the house?!

Taeil asked as he saw a cute small white dog playing with Yn's dog

Chenle: oh daegal? That's my daughter
Haechand:and im her boyfriend
Jaemin: wait, she is a girl? I didn't know that

Everyone sighed


Im supposed to post 2 chaps today, but the power went off for like an hour so I almost forgot to post this chap

anywayss RENJUN HITS SO HARD IN THIS ERA LIKE GEEZ!! RENJUN IS MESSING WITH MY BIAS LIST😭 his hair is mostly the reason behind it HAHAHA well, we all agree that his hair is so Urgh! I cant even think of words to describe it my gosh!

Anyways lovelots everyone! And STREAM NCT DREAM's HOT SAUCE!!!❤️‍🔥💚

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