Blue Bra and Gold Earrings

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Hannas POV

She's too fast for me.

She's just too fast. Fuck.

"Stop running away from me!! I don't even know what's happening right now! Emily! Em!" I shouted after her trying to increase my speed desperately.

I was furrowing my eyebrows in irritation and concern. I can't even explain it to myself. Why is she running away from me?

It worked. I was getting closer to her. She noticed it and started increasing her speed as well. How can someone be that fast?!

I wasn't stopping.

"Emily I'm so confused!" I shouted out of breath trying to keep up.

She was not getting slower.

I was just a couple steps away. I could almost touch her arm.

"Emily!" I was more than just out of breath. I can't keep up anymore. My legs are giving up.

I was able to grab her hand.

"Em.." I stopped and stood there while I was touching my knees. I was bending a little bit and was trying to catch my breath.

She was standing in front of me catching her breath too while looking down on me. I know I was holding her hand really tightly. I will not let her run away again. Not before we talk.

"Emily whatever you might think, it is not true. It's a big misconception" I grabbed her other hand.

She didn't wanted me to. What the heck is going on right now. There was a tear falling from her cheek when she looked back to me.

I don't want to see her cry.

"It looks very clear to me" She said giving me a glare. Her eyes were puffy and a little bit red. It was dark here outside, without the street lamp I wouldn't even see her.

She started crying hysterically in her hands.

"Emily!" I felt a clump in my throat. And a stab in my heart. My hands were on her hands desperately trying to put them away.

"You're jumping into conclusions!"I said with an high voice and touched her face. Finally. She was looking at me. I wiped her tears away with my thumbs.

"Don't cry" I caressed her face with my thumb.

"You're are the reason for my tears" She said furrowing her eyebrows sadly.

I looked at her blankly.

How can she say that to me?

"There was no one in my bed other than you Emily. This is crazy" I said and shook my head. I grabbed her waist holding her closer to me.

She looked at me.

"Can you please just leave me alone??" She whispered and sprinted away.

"Emily!!" I shouted after her.

I started jogging but stopped after a little bit. I'm not gonna be faster than her. Why am I still trying? This is bullshit. She really thinks I would cheat on her? I'm offended.

This cannot be real. It was almost good between us again. Almost.

Fuck almost.


"What do you mean you can't let me in?" I was shocked. Why would Pam say that to me? What the hell? Am I a stranger to her?

Emily's mom was standing beside the door. She was holding a book. There were people talking in the house. I could hear them. That must be her book club.

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