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Emily's Pov

"Was Hanna jealous?" I asked when Spencer and I walked to my room.

She looked at me.

"I think she was a little" She said

"She called me angel. She called me angel like.." I said sitting down on my bed.

"Yeah I was surprised" Spencer said sitting down too.

"Old Hanna is still in her" I said

"Emily don't get your hopes up" She said

I looked at her.

"Why not?"

"She called me angel and she was jealous. We held hands a little.." I said

Spencer sighed.

"She told me at lunch that maybe she can't go back where you both were and that maybe she can't love you like you love her" She said

I looked at her.

I shook my head.

"No" I said

"Emily you should sleep okay" She said trying to lay me down.


"Spencer" I said tearing up.

I started crying.

"I saw that cheerleader today and she didn't stopped flirting or hitting on Hanna"

"You know how much that hurts?" I asked

She gave me a sadly look.

"And that stupid basketball guy was asking for her number and said that Hanna was giving him luck" I said

"I can't bare seeing that. I can't take it" I cried

She put me in her arms.

Hanna's Pov

"That was fun" I said

"Yeah" Aria said coming in my room.

"We should do that again soon" She said

"Absolutely" I said

I sat down on my bed.

"So" She said

"What?" I asked

"I saw Em and you holding hands earlier" She said

"Uh yeah we did" I said

She gave me a grin.

"And?" I asked

She looked at me.

"Why did you call her angel? You could had called her anything. So why angel?" She asked

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