-Comfort is the best medicine -

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Emily's POV

„Time is over! Let's count how many rounds you could do this time" Coach Savannah said and looked at her clipboard. I was catching my breath and controlling my breathing while holding on the edges of the swimming pool.

I'm exhausted from training all day.

„Eight Rounds. That's good but your record is still eleven. Do you think you could break that today?" My coach asked and looked at me. My teammates looked at me too. To be honest I never really comprehended how immense fast I must have been to get eleven rounds in such a little time. How did I do that? I need to train more.

„I will not leave before I do" I said which made some of my teammates grin at me. I grinned weakly at them back and nod my head. I really didn't pay much attention to my swimming in the last weeks which probably made me only score eight and not eleven this time. They probably think I'm not taking it as serious as I should and maybe they're right.

I wonder how good the other students in college will be. Just because I have an scholarship doesn't mean I have it easier, actually I will probably have it harder. It's rare that a college like that give out scholarships.

„Let's do another try in five minutes" My coach said and went back. „But don't exhaust yourself too much. Training ends in ten minutes" My coach said and went back to her side to talk to another swimmer.

„Hey Lori" I said when I noticed her swimming over to me. She greeted me back.

„For a moment I thought I was the one with the most rounds today" She said and chuckled. „You're always better than me" She said and waved at another teammate.

„I'm sure you did good. How many did you do?" I asked and saw my coach give me a three fingers to point out how much time I have until the next try.

„Seven" She said. „It was close"

„See. You're getting there" I said and grinned weakly.

She asked me how I'm doing, she's probably regarding to my and Hannas break up. This spoke around very quick. I wonder if they know how nerve racking it was to come here while knowing that everyone knows my business.

They all saw some stranger kiss my girlfriend and started gossiping immediately. Doesn't matter how I feel right?

„I'm fine" I said and grinned weakly.

I'm nowhere near fine. To be honest I was crying a lot these last days, I was thinking a lot and trying to distract me as good as I could. It still hurts bad, I don't know how it got like this. I just want to see Hanna. Very badly.

I hate that I called Hanna and cried over the phone. I did that two times now. The first time she didn't said much which made me feel awful and the second time I hung up before she could even accept the call.

I wonder if she called me. My mom still has my phone and I'm dying to know.

„The other day when I was at work, you know where I work..." She looked at me.

I looked back at her.

„Yeah?" I asked

She looked at me.


Spencer's POV

„What on earth are you doing this late here?" I asked and saw Emily in the water in the school swimming pool. The lights were dimmed and they will probably turn it off soon.

Emily's mother called me and asked me where Emily is. I was wondering the same thing, especially because Emily and I agreed to drive home together. She's not allowed to take her moms car anymore and she doesn't have a phone either.

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