Chapter 6

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His v- live 🤧what is he so cute for 🤧

The more officer stared at him with a huge question mark plastered on his face, the longer Jungkook took lost in his thoughts. He didn't mean to give the matter a second thought but here he stood questioning if he really wanted to report him. He didn't even know his name. Talking about his crime he had no idea if he ever even did something wrong. He could have some wrong beliefs based on just a simple fact he saw him with a gun . The thought, the doubt of what if it comes back to him stopped him from letting out another word.

Jungkook :"Oh that, ah yes you are doing an amazing job protecting everyone." He did a thumbs up and instantly took a turn to rush back inside cursing internally for the move he just pulled out.

Officer :"Stop there kid." Jungkook came to a halt once the serious voice reached his ears. He gulped down saliva visibly before turning around to face the other once again.

Jungkook :"Yes?"

Officer :"Whom are you living with?"

Jungkook :"Ah that I live alone." He noticed the way officer looked at him suspiciously as if he did a crime. "But I think I saw someone else too through the balcony."

Jungkook :" Ah that, that..." He cursed internally "A university mate, he came to work on project but can't go back due to this curfew. "A nod and that was enough to give him a sign to rush back inside making sure he didn't look suspicious anymore.


Guy :" Done trying? "the words welcomed Jungkook as soon as he stepped inside the door step. The younger didn't understand why but a scowl escaped his lips making him. Furious once again.

Jungkook :" Because of you I got caught almost. If you get caught I will go to jail for nothing for keeping you here"

Guy :"Then sit your ass Inside and don't go to interact with then you dumb."

Jungkook :"I am dumb huh!? They say you when your careless ass decided to appear on balcony and I went to ask for my girlfriend ofcourse"

Guy :"Yeah, whatever for now you are safe for now and about your girlfriend so she is not a kid okay she can take care of herself. "

Jungkook :" easier said than done."

Guy :"No but you can go around and want to protect her like she is a 5 year old but trust me she is not. She is an adult. You can't stick to her for 24/7. Let her learn to take care of herself too."

The younger wanted to snap back but he couldn't. Maybe he really needed to realize she wasn't a kid. She was mature enough to take care of herself.

Jungkook :" But come to think of it, if all the signals are down how are they contacting each other? "

Guy :"Technology kid. Alright now if you are done, Where is my breakfast?"

Jungkook :"What in the world-- you." He raised a finger pointing at him while narrowing his eyes at him. "are going to pay me for each thing you eat.Plus If you want to eat then help yourself to kitchen oh and by the way make sure to wash the dishes too if you use them. I am hygienic person after all. "

Leaving the older dumbfounded to stare at him blinking eyes he felt a bit proud of himself like a 10 year would do when he was finally able to piss off someone. Turning on the music he warmed up and soon started his work out.

He ignored whatever the other was doing in his kitchen and focused on his training right when an awful smell reached his smell-senses and his head snapped towards the open kitchen attached to the lounge. His eyes widened dramatically as he almost let out a scream rolling his dumb bells away on floor rushing towards the kitchen.

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