Chapter 13

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"JUNGKOOK" She screamed on the top of her lungs yet there was no response in return except for the cries and screams. She shook him with all her might but the boy wasn't ready to wake up. BY the looks of it, he was having a nightmare. He was crying and screaming shuffling around the bed. By the time , she had tears trickling down her cheeks, no matter how much she tried to wake him it all went to vain. Getting off the bed she gabbed the Jug filled of water and splashed it all over his face.

His eyes shot open with a gasp escaping his lips as he sat up instantly taking in a look of his surroundings . He was there, he was safe and perfectly fine. It had to be the worst nightmare he ever had in his life. Panting heavily he was taken aback when YN hugged him ever so tightly pulling back the next instant cupping his cheeks wiping off his tears. He was still in a daze to grasp much of the situation however he was trying. He pulled her in his arms hugging her tightly wiping off his tears. It was going to vain , all he was putting in to refrain his body from shaking.

YN:" It was a nightmare, I am here. It's okay.Breath in and out." She kept whispering brushing her hand through the locks of his hair to calm the other. She never saw him like this,Even if it was a nightmare he never had them before to this extreme ever.He was always easy to catch nightmares, a slight wrong thing would happen and nightmares would haunt him down but they were never a problem before.He would wake up ,realize it was a nightmare and go back to sleep. This was something else.

He let her sweet calm voice sooth his nerves staying there for as much as he needed before the two pulled back.She cupped his cheeks placing her lips on his letting them linger there for a bit till the two started moving it against each other's sharing a deep-love filled kiss.

Jungkook:"I am fine, I am fine." He whispered-repeated his words more like telling himself that he was fine.

YN:"Did something happen I don't know?" He shook his head kissing her forehead putting his best look to make her believe his words. "I don't know where it came from. Nothing happened. I am fine now."He looked at the time telling her that they were getting late for the university. He stood up going to restroom while she went out to make breakfast. Turning on the faucet he got under it closing his eyes but the sudden flashes of the nightmare appeared in front of him. Where he kept running in dark , a place full of mirrors all over, he could see several of his reflections all over the place, all staring back at his confused- lost self. The more he tried to escape the place the more he got lost in the maze of his misery. With in a few moments, he still found himself in that place however the sudden reflections of Kai started appearing on each mirror right beside him. The reflection of him he saw right before he died, the red eyes, the crazy self ready to pounce upon him.

He tried running away from him but he couldn't, he was trapped inside .His voice started booming around the whole place as he held his held trying to keep his vision steady and avoid the throbbing pain leading to his head. He started screaming for help trying to run away that's when he started hearing YN's shouts. He tried finding her but couldn't.

Gripping his hair once again he hit his head on the shower wall trying to get rid of the images but one hit turned into several. His body started shaking all over. Letting out groans he slid against the wall pulling his knees to his chest while gripping his hair tightly.


His brain screamed, as much as he wanted to scream out audibly he wouldn't let YN hear it. He heard soft knocks on the door that brought him out of his misery helping him open his eyes once again focusing back on to reality.

YN:"Ggukie are you alright? Breakfast is ready."

Jungkook:" Ah right I am coming." He let a painful smile appear on his lips as another tear slipped his eyes. He just wanted to escape this hell and go back to live a normal life like before.

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