Chapter 26

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Knocking - trying one last time after several trials he pulled his hand back to himself. Receiving rejection in the end like the previous two nights. It was the third sunset since the last time he saw her, crying her heart out on the floor in his arms. The door to her room never opened after that. At this point he was concerned if she was even alive or not.

JK :"I know you can hear me, I won't leave till this door stays locked." All he received in reply was silence, the cold piercing silence cracking his skin numbing his bones at this point. The silence was giving him so many terrifying thoughts but he needed to block them for as long as he could. He had a few glimpses of Jimin these days but all he could do was to ignore him. Nothing he could do when his own girlfriend was locked in a room starving. No one knew if she was even alive or not. He, himself was hating himself over every decision he made till now. Since the day of entering this building till the time he started getting greedy for power and money. The shine of glitters and gold blinded him to an extent he couldn't see he was separating his heart from his own body. He was sending her abroad.

So much would collapse. He would collapse. The dynasty they built together would burn to it's ashes.

JK :"YN." the girl opened the door, the first glimpse of her and he needed to confirm if it was his YN. He wondered how she had power to even stand on her feet. Her lips were were like a cracked desert - dry and torn. Her whole body turned pale as if someone sucked all the blood out of her. She wasn't only starving but didn't pass a single drop of water down her throat. There was no saliva left at this point.

It was a sight he never imagined life would ever bring him to see but it was dreadful. He took instant steps towards her securing her in his arms. A kick at the door and it shut closed behind him. He picked her body and it weighed much less than it did last time he picked her up.

Placing her down on bed he rushed out bringing water. Once he was back in he made her drink a whole glass and tried more but received rejection.

"I can't bear it anymore" the first thing she said after giving him the silence he dread for. He didn't want to accept the way it hit him harder than a missile. He sighed taking her hand and got up.

Jk :"Come with me" He fixed her hair applying a lip almost on her dry lips. Taking her hand again he took her out. Ignoring everyone on his sight the two straight went down to the basement. Jungkook took her to shooting range entering the area. He picked up a gun and Eddy stopped him right there

Eddy :"Hey, why is she here?"

Jk :" To train." He kept his words short not giving two shits if this was allowed or not. He picked up the bullets filling the magazine.

Eddy :"I received no order related to it Jungkook. Take her out. This is not allowed." He placed his hand on top of Jungkook on the gun stopping him. Jungkook stopped looking up at him. His eyes reflected the anger he was facing seeing his YN in this condition.

Jk :" You need to know who she is, Jimin's sister. You can't stop us from anything. If you want to complain to RM then go ahead and do as you wish. We won't stop." He moved Eddy's hand away who stood there for a moment but then left. He definitely had to confirm this but if it was real he could get in trouble for causing any problem. Jungkook loaded the gun and turned to YN who looked at him disbelief.

YN :" I don't need his name and sympathy! I want this but not with the help of his name" She shook her head out of anger ready to leave the place. Jungkook took her wrist giving her a slight jerk to get her back in senses. He placed his both hands on her shoulder looking deep in her eyes.

Jk :" Do you understand where are we right now? It doesn't matter anymore whose help we are taking. We need to fucking survive here and that's the only way to do so." He stayed there for a moment knocking senses in to her and pulled back giving the gun to her. She held it looking down at her hands as if it was the most interesting sight. Nothing about it scared her and the sight alone was the proof how broke she was. She still kept the top of gun anywhere but not facing them so if the trigger was pressed accidently none would be harmed. Make sense, she held the thing for the first time.

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