Chapter 12

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The trio was an example of perfection. They tossed the chips around as if they were not losing money at all. Each time Jungkook lost, he looked at Jimin with a pang of guilt visible in his eyes only for other to shrug it off easily. He was Losing his money non stop and the elder looked like it didn't even matter to him at all not to mention the times Jimin lost he had to pay for himself too.

Out of the seventeen games they played by now, eleven of them were won by suga alone, four by Jimin and three by Jin. But then he knew Jimin was better at Red ace. He didn't win even once. He wanted to cheat so badly but he knew he would mess up. He could bet his life on it that others were cheating. He groaned when he lost again leaning back in defeat. He wasn't even nervous at this point. Furious and defeated, that's what he felt right now. But he knew again they were professionals. He stood no chance in front of them from the start.

He moved his wrist watch towards Jimin showing him time, he needed to go back now and pick up YN. "C'mon just one more. Then we will leave." That's what stopped him once again before the game started once again. A spark rose within him. He came here to enjoy the night,not to lose all the freaking eighteen times they played. Nervousness rushed off his veins like it was never there. He wanted to try wining at least once so he wouldn't regret even after leaving the place. He at least didn't want to regret these two hours now that he was here. He decided to cheat, he was not coming back here anyways so incase he get caught he wouldn't feel much embarrassed.

Putting on a straight poker face he started, he learnt the face pretty much by all the games they just played. He remembered when he won over jimin back in his apartment, he screamed, danced and jumped around all he wanted to celebrate but people here showed literal no reaction even after wining millions of dollars. It was just wow how even jimin didn't say anything, Jungkook practically lost a huge sum of his money.

The time on the table practically stopped for a moment when they revealed the cards. They all had to blink twice to realize the youngest among all took over this time. Jimin, neither Seokjin nor even the master Suga. It was the Boy who stepped first time in casino and won over the professionals. Jimin was the only one who cheered and high fived Jungkook , A smirk appeared on Jimin's face seeing Suga's straight face. Well if this is not what he felt when he lost from Jungkook.

Jimin :"Ah Fuck perfect dude! I knew it!!" He cheered gathering all the chips in between his arms happily. Jungkook surely won him a huge sum of money.

Jin :"Well okay? That was great. I didn't even notice when you cheat." Hearing that Jungkook choked out coughing before moving his face to other side. Now what the fuck. Jin just laughed at the boy's clumsiness along with his innocence

Jin :"Relax there, everyone here does that. It's no secret well as long as you don't get caught so be careful."

Jungkook :"Yeah, I am not even coming back here anyways. It was just a one night thing."

Jin :"As you say.It was fun playing though." Jungkook nodded standing up looking at suga one last time who was busy on his cellphone. He didn't look much pleased and he had to rethink when Jimin warned him to stay away from him.

Jimin :"alright let's get out of here first." Jungkook was happy, the frustration he felt past two hours was gone. He literally won, he wanted to do a happy dance but stopped not wanting to look like a fool in here. The whole two hours, spent in madness or craziness, he felt everything but not the fear. The shitty bloody image didn't once flashed in front of him. It was as if such thing didn't even happen. After a whole shitty day he was finally able to breath properly

Jungkook :"You lost a lot of money, I can't pay you that back it was quite a lot."

Jimin :"Forget about it, I will make it back with in two hours."

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