Chapter 27

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(the Pic above is mesmerizing 😍🔥)

Day 1,day 2,day 7,day 14 - she took constant rounds of shooting range then to training area to learn some self defense moves and then back to shooting range. Jungkook wanted her to be strong and never get down from her position. Now that everyone knew who she was, no one could over power her. No one could think of her as the little scared girl anymore. She needed to be confident enough to fight for her own rights and she was learning it quite well. Never once Jungkook came across any of the executives. He was all focused on YN. He also heard RM gave him two weeks to come back to work.

She tossed the gun away on the floor walking over to the chair taking a seat. Grabbing a bottle, she took a few sips of water leaning back against the chair. Her eyes wander around the shooting range falling on the few men in their positions training and then to Jungkook. She saw the way her man ran across the area dodging the obstacles while shooting the moving and flying targets. He was wearing a black tank top which hugged his body so perfectly, the way his muscles were so prominent, how the sweat trickled down his arms and neck. It was a turn on. An unholy turn on making her already imagine how good it's to be under him. When he fucks her like there is no tomorrow, his fingers curling around her neck choking her till tears wells up in her eyes. Submission..... He was the kind of man who would make you love to be submissive under him. Completely helpless, on his mercy.

Once the timer stopped the targets stopped moving itself, the round ended. He loaded his magazine once again turning around to have a look on YN like after every round he would. Upon seeing she was not practicing anymore he walked out of the area towards her.

Jk :"Taking a break?" He got a hold of the towel wiping his sweat placing the gun back on it's place. She took a moment before replying.

YN :"I want to see Jimin." Jungkook halted in the process of wiping his sweat turning his head to have a better view of her. To make sure he was not hearing things.

YN :"Alone."

Jk :"I will call him."

YN :"I can go myself. You said RM called you. You should go see him."

Jk :"Call me if anything goes wrong.

Yn :" I can manage myself Gguk. You have taught me enough to manage a single conversation alone. "He sighed, taking a step near her. He cupped her cheeks placing his lips on her forehead letting them linger there for a moment.

JK :" Don't lose yourself. I love you "Her hands went up to rest on the back of his hands on her cheek." No matter how lost I am, I will always find my way back to you. I love you too. "


He entered RM's office saying his greetings. He didn't take a seat nor RM asked him to do so. It was after two weeks he was seeing the leader's face." Your time is over, get back to work "is what RM said eyeing the other who stood in front of him in a shape he always wanted to him be. Confident and dangerous.

JK :" I am aware, thank you for you allowing me the time. "RM got off his chair taking a round around the table walking over near to Jungkook but stopped on the other end of the table where there were chairs for the others to sit down.

RM :" Your girlfriend is Jimin's sister. You both accept or not reality never changes. You took an oath to serve me loyalty. You two have no way out of here." He stared at the younger who stayed quiet, to wait and let the other finished what he was trying o implement this time. For sure he knew, the leader never started a conversation without explaining the conditions first so the other had no chance to say 'no'

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