Chapter 24

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"I saw Jimin outside, What was he doing here?" He asked once he stepped inside the room closing the door behind not forgetting to lock it afterwards.

YN :"Don't know." She simply shrugged saying the truth. "Mhm stay away from him." Jungkook took off his jacket walking up to her taking a seat on bed in front of her.

YN :"Yeah, I don't find him much appealing either." He could sense the arrogance slipping off her tongue so smoothly even when her voice was calm. He wanted her to forget about Jimin, forget about the wrong things and people. He wanted to cheer up her mood and so he did.

JK :" Oh yeah? Who do you find appealing then. Probably me." He made an oh so proud face showing off his handsome ethereal face (deserved) which surely had let break out a slight giggle.

YN :"You know, I am telling you a lot of times to give me a thing to work on. I am getting lazy and trust me as much as annoying it was before, I am starting to like staying in bed whole day now. Don't complain later."

JK :"Yeah, you and your lazy ass. Tsk tsk." He couldn't even act properly due to the a slap he received right on his arm by his girlfriend who was looking at him like an angry bird. Oh how cute she looked being angry. Each and every moment he spent with her reminded him off his days back when they were all good out of this place. However, he was admiring the power he was receiving now. He was much powerful, confident and strong than before now. The higher ranks was bringing him the glory too. He felt it today when he ordered a few of men to bring him more details of the case he was working on and they obeyed. They really did so without getting annoyed or raising any protest. He felt amazing. He felt powerful. The time he spent in torture room wasn't disgusting anymore. It had him feeling superior, a man in front of him and he could do anything to him he wishes to. The training made him much powerful version of himself.

"Gguk?" The voice snapped him out his trance to realize he was still sitting right in front of her.

YN :"What are you thinking?"

JK :" I have to spend this night out. You will manage right?" She simply nodded, without any questions further more. It was not needed. Either he was going to spend his night out in casino or somewhere most probably where the leader might have sent him.

YN:" Take care of yourself hmm." With a gentle kiss the two pulled back. Jungkook left the room and YN went back to watching the TV. After half an hour spent by and she was getting bored of the stupid series playing on the TV. A sudden idea popped up in her mind which made her automatically get off her bed and walk out of the room taking the elevator back to the basement. She knew Jungkook trained there. She have seen him herself. She hoped she could find anything to help her in this too . She didn't know what she was really thinking when she stepped in here. Her heart started beating rapidly, hammering against her chest at each step she took. The first room she reached was the GYM, even at night she saw a few men in their using different machines to built muscles. Ignoring the room she walked forward towards the shooting range peeking inside , There was a man who was shifting the cells walking over to those who were training .He was helping them fix their posture and get better with their targets. She guessed he was the trainer there. Okay, okay now she needed to-

"What are you doing here?"

A sudden voice made her jump in her place turning around instantly. Oh, she thought that she saw a monster. Her poor heart. She put a hand on her heart looking around then back at the man.

YN:" N-nothing...I ... I lost my way . This building is quite huge you know. " Giving an awkward laugh she walked out of there instantly without looking back incase the guy might stop her again for more questions. Getting back in the elevator she almost kicked the door at the stupidity. Oh that idiot had to appear out of the blue.

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