Chapter 10

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"Don't act like you were a part of it"

Jimin's words repeated like a tape on a loop around the walls of his brain as he focused on his steps wanting to escape the institute as soon as possible. He was in need of some time alone. A person just died fighting him. The thought alone crept chills of horror down his spine.

He was pulled back by someone holding him tightly by his arm. He almost let out a horror-filled scream. The amount of energy he out in that moment to not freak out at the moment almost freezing on spot taking a moment to recover. A harsh gulp swallowed down his throat as he shifted his eyes from ground to look up at his girlfriend and let out a shaky sigh out of relief. Each cell of his body screamed he just got caught.

Jungkook :"YN..."

YN :"Are you okay? I have been calling you--" She halted watching the sweat trickling down his forehead reaching her hand out to check if he had fever or if he was even alright. He held her wrist middle way and started dragging her out along him.

Jungkook :"Let's just go home please.... Please." His voice came out a mere whisper not having energy to even talk properly. The scene from before was still haunting him each time it flashed in front of his eyes. The two still had class's to take yet she didn't say anything. He didn't look alright it started worrying her whole way back to home.

YN :"Baby look at me please tell me what happened?" As they reached home he directly went to room taking a seat on bed with his head thrown in his hands hanging down.

Jungkook : "I think....."He didn't know what stopped him. Why was he even trying to hide something from her. He concluded in that moment he needed time to think over it. The incident was sending him to the edge of his sanity level. He didn't know if he was really ready to talk about it.

Jungkook :"I feel like I am getting a fever that's it. Maybe I will rest and get better. I didn't mean to leave you alone in university so I brought you along."She came forward taking a seat beside him grabbing a thermometer along. He truly had fever once she checked it. She stood up asking him to rest and was about to go out to make him soup and bring medicine but he held her back laying down hugging her so tightly.

Jungkook :"Let's sleep a bit.... Please. There is still time till your job I will wake you up." She got worried but guessed it was because of his fever reacting on him. Her hands gently brushed through the back of his hair trying to calm him down.

YN :"You need to sleep hmm." Nodding he closed his eyes when she moved closer moving her face in his chest, not too much in to it when she already slept.He somehow couldn't have a second of sleep or rest to himself still shivering in fear of the tragedy that took place.

No he didn't kill him. He didn't need to be afraid. No matter how many times he tried repeating the words in his brain. It didn't work. Nothing worked. He was still haunted down by the image of a person who was alive perfectly fine standing in front of him laying on ground lifeless filled in his own blood.

Not realizing when tears started trickling down his face, he looked down at YN sleeping peacefully in his embrace. Was he really ready for this? If whatever Jimin said was true did he really had no chance to escape. Everything started exploding his mind as he closed his eyes letting the tears slowly trickle down his eyes. His arms tightened around YN holding her close to him kissing her forehead. He wasn't ready to let her go. He wouldn't be able to survive without her. What would she do without him. A week without him and he still have no idea what she was suffering with. How was he supposed to let her stay alone in this cruel world.

Jungkook :"I love you.... I love you so much." He mouthed his words, throat hurting due to the pain taking place within his heart. Getting off bed slowly making sure to slip his arm from under her slowly not to wake her up he walked to restroom closing the door behind. Taking a seat on the pot after closing its lid he took out his cell dialing Jimin's number.

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