Chapter 28( THE END)

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Present Time

He stepped out of the car once it stopped in front of his girlfriend's university. Fixing his jacket he walked inside the building reaching "IT" Block where YN studies and once he used to do so too. A smile formed up on his lips having a sight of the love of his life, the emotions taking place back in his eyes. The love he had for her. He walked up to her taking a seat on the bench beside her.

JK:" Sorry love, I got late. Please don't be mad."

YN:" Go away, you always say that. Don't talk to me."She crossed her arms turning her back at him.

JK:" Ah hey, c'mon please look I am saying sorry. C'mon I will take you out on a date today" Hearing that she instantly turned towards Jungkook again. " Say it when you mean it, i won't hear any excuse again so darling,think again " He threw his hands in air letting out a chuckle at her stern expressions.

JK:" I am done for today, All time for my baby now." He leaned in pecking her nose who returned the lovely gesture by her sweet giggles which he love listening to.

YN:" I love you."
JK:" Oh now you do huh , I was hurt a moment ago.' She whined hitting his chest and got up stomping away from there crossing arms. He laughed hitting the back of his head once and ran after her back hugging her, his face snuggling deep in her neck.

JK:" I know you love me mm "His eyes closed too feeling her presence against him as if the whole world never mattered to them. Having her in his arms always made him realized he still have that soft spot in his heart , which is left only for her. Gladly, he didn't need to show that spot to anyone else.

YN:" Baby, everyone is watching."

JK:" As if I care." A smile brought up to her lips leaning back against him, if it was the old Jungkook he would have pulled back .Add to that he would be red as a tomato. He was not the same anymore. He was a person world knew by the name "JK"

YN :"Where are we going?"

Jk :"Where do my baby wants to go?" he pulled back when she turned around to face him. "Namsan Tower" He nodded pecking her lips taking her hand walking out of the university.

JK : "As my baby says. "The two straight went to his car getting in. Being the hades executive surely put him in a higher position. He was independent to do as he please to. However, the position also put a huge responsibility over his shoulders. If something goes wrong in the building you could get killed too for being irresponsible.

YN : "I want to put our names there!" She exclaimed happily to which a smile appeared on his lips. "Then you better write me a beautiful line too." he said pinching her cheek. She turned towards him giving him a stern look.

YN :"You too Mr, if I don't like it I will run away with someone else."

JK : "alright how about 'You have gotten chubbier than you were last year'?" She rolled her eyes pushing him away. "Oh what a beautiful romantic line." He only laughed in response.

YN :"and by the way I still have same weight as last year huh." Persuading his lips he back hugged her again planting a few kisses on her neck.

JK :"I was joking baby and even if you do there's nothing wrong with it."

Driver :"Sir we are here" The driver announced as calmly as he could. Replying a "mm" in response Jungkook kissed her once again getting out of the car once the driver held open the door for him. He fixed his coat walking over to YN's side opening the door for her extending out his hand.

She took his hand coming out of the car holding his arm more in a hugging way. The car stopped quite away from the tower and they had to walk there way up to there.

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