chapter 21

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it took will a while to finish talking to tubbo, i was waiting for about 15 minuets before he had finally got into the car. i saw tubbo walking over not long after will got into the car, his eyes looked red and puffy like me had been crying , he shot a scared and worrying look at me as we made eye contact but it broke when he turned away to walk back into the school with ashley who was sitting on a bench on her phone but put it away when she saw tubbo talking back over.

will sighed as we started to diver back to his house, i was getting a bit worried becuase he looked worried " do you want a mcdonalds toms?" he said as we started to get closer to one "you havent eaten in a while, we need to talk about it." i guess theres no way of escaping this, my head hurts too much to run from this, its going to happen at some point so it might as well be now i guess. 

"o-okay what about it?" i said trying to act like nothing was wrong. " toms, you dont eat, and when you do its bearly anything, i caught you throwing up your food, im worried about you tommy.." he said trying to make eye contact while i was trying to avoid it "i guess i-im just not hungry"  he sighed "tommy you've not been hungry since you have been with me." he said 

"i-ill have one h-hashbrown" i said quietly preticly whisperd it. he looked at me, i couldnt read his face this time and it worried me a bit "what? i couldnt hear you" he said  " ill eat one hashbrown" i said louder and more confordently so he could hear me "thank you tommy, i worry a lot about you, but if you dont mind me asking why dont you eat?" 

i dont know if i should tell him or not, it'll just make me vonuble and he would know even more about my past, im not read yet. "i-i-" i got cut off by my phone getting a text message. my hart skipped a beat as i opened it

unknown -  you're pretty stupid arnt you? why would you get into that car with him? them boy's should've killed you while they where beating you. you're worthless, they dont care for you, why are you even here? kill you'r self already! no one likes you. no one loves you. they are with you out of pity. leave them. now.

"tommy? who is it?" he said. concern in hs voice as i dropped the phone onto my lap and staird blankly into space as a teir dropped down my face. he grabbed the phone and read it, imidetly pulling me into a tight hug "tom- dont listen to that person okay? we care for you. we love you. okay?" i could feel the anger raidiating off of him, i dont know why "its true though, i am a burden to you, if my own parents couldnt even love me, t-they had to p-put-" i cut myself off before i opened up to him too much, i cant tell him that much about me yet, im not ready "no! tommy! that not true! me tubbo, dream, george, techno! we all love you okay?" "c-can we go home..." i asked. "dont you still want food?" "i-im not hungry a-any mo-more" i said hoping he would just drop it and he did, he nodded understandingly


"toms? you're new family is here and ready for you, lets go!" i followed her out of my room at the orphanage and we walked down the stairs with my small bag that i had packed the night before ready for today, todays the day im getting addopted. "hey toms! you ready to go?" the woman who was soon to be my new mum said looking down to make eye contact with me "i-i guess so" i said in a happy tone nodding. i followed her and her husband out of the building and inti their car.

i waved goodbye to the care takers as we dove off to their house, aswe pulled up, i noticed it was pretty runned down, long grass in the front garden, rusty gate and some other things that a runned down house would have. the inside wasnt much better either, wall paper falling off the walls, dirty pots in the sink, its clealy not well looked after.

i walked upstairs into my new room, there was a desk with a PC with it, a bed, a wardrobe, a bed side table and a lamp. it was the nicest room in the house. it was a decent size as well. i put my stuff down and started to unpack. maybe this wont be so bad.

*flashback ends*

i got pulled back to realtiy by will shaking me telling me where back at the house "tom? you okay? you zoned out there mate." he said with concern in his voice "o-oh yeah sorry, i was just thinking" i said losing my grip on my hand which are now bleeding from me pushing my nails into them. "you sure? whats up?" he said i could tell he was trying to make eye contact but i kept looking down "y-yeah its nothing, dont worry." i saw him in the corner of my eye looking at my hands "t-tommy? whats wrong with you're  hands?" he said trying to grab them.

i flinched at his touch and pulled my hands back from him "tommy... what happened to you're hands? was it them boys?" he said, i started to get out of the car not responding to him. 


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