2. New Home

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I need to get away from here. I stop running once I finally get to the school. I pull out the phone she gave me and press to call the only number on it. Praying that whoever is on the other end could explain what just happened.

Finally, after the third ring, someone picks up. "Yeah?" the voice belongs to an old man that much I can tell. I hesitate to answer unsure of what I'm going to say.

Deciding I don't have much of a choice since I now don't have anywhere to go, I speak. "Yeah, my mom told me to call this number once I got away." My voice is low, so I'm surprised if he even hears me above the pounding rain. The rain has gotten worse and I'm drenched. I hear some noise on the other end and then the man starts speaking again. "Where are you, I'm on my way to pick you up right now." His voice is serious, and I answer fast beginning to feel cold as the rain keeps pouring down at me. "I'm at midge high school." He hangs up right after and I stare blankly at my phone.

Will he take long? Because if yes then I'm sure as hell going to get sick. Being in a rush I never got to take on my shoes after taking them off in a hurry when I left, and my backpack probably fell off when I was attacked in the alley.

I wait, in the pouring rain. At least the black dots have disappeared now. No matter how strange that is I find it comforting because then I don't feel crazy anymore. After around five minutes a car stops in front of me. Thank god he was quick. The window is pulled down and the man gestures for me to get inside the car.

I take the sword wrapped in the cloth off and hold it as I climb into the comforting warm car. I put the seatbelt on before he starts driving at a very high speed in which I know he would get his license taken away if a police officer saw it.

"W-where are w-we g-going?" my voice is shaky from what happened and because of the cold. He looks kind of familiar. "We are going back to my place." He doesn't say anything else as the car again fills with an awkward silence.

We pull up at a house that I recognize. It's where the popular boy lives. Great. The mean one, that some girls only think makes him hotter. I don't agree, and he's in the group with the silent boy, the smartass, and the player. Could this night get any worse? They're all tall, good looking smart boys. Every single girl in the school is after them and they are often called the four-leaf clover, or the jokers because they play a lot of card games that they often use against people. Geez, I hate them. But then who is the guy driving me?

"Do you know my son?" his question catches me off guard. So, this is the father of the popular boy of the four-leaf clover. I slowly nod my head.

"Yeah, he's two years older than me. One of his friends tried to take out my eye earlier today." His eyes go wide looking at me in shock. But he quickly manages to pull himself together but not fast enough for me to not have seen it. "Okay, it's good that you tell me stuff like that. Do you know if your mother is still alive?" his words catch me off guard once again. I've managed to keep my mind off my mom and what was about to happen when I left and started running up until now.

"No, I don't know if she's still alive, but I don't think so." He nods and opens the door and walks away from the car. I do the same following a couple of steps behind him. I know my mom told me to trust this guy however, I don't trust people easily so I won't follow him blindly.

Once inside their big house, he takes out his cell phone. "Come down here now." he hangs up and after less than a minute the popular mean boy descends the staircase before me. He called his son because he didn't want to go up and get him. Wow, that's new.

"Call your friends, all of them, and ask them to come here." The mean boy makes a weird-looking face. "Why? And what the heck does this freak think she's doing in this house?" he looks at me with a disgusted face. "She is the one I've been talking about." His voice somehow still being calm, and I watch as the mean popular boy's eyes go wide in shock.

"The child of the devil. Well, I guess, but why do my friends have to come right now?" his father gives him a scary look before answering. "Because one of them was possessed by a demon. I must treat them so that won't happen again. I can't have someone in this house that can harm her." I feel dumb not understanding what's going on, and the feeling I shouldn't be here. This conversation doesn't seem to be for my ears.

"Fine." The boy takes out his cell phone and starts talking with whomever of the boys he decided to call first.

"Why do you want to protect me? Especially if I'm the daughter of the devil?" he gives me a worried look. "I promised your mom, and you may be the key to killing the demon race, so the order wants to try and make you a demon killer. To turn you against your own kind." I'm about to protest but never get the chance to voice my opinion as the boy starts talking once again. "They'll be here in five minutes." Surprisingly, he takes my hand. I give him a confused look. "Come, I have to take care of you, but I got rules." He drags me up the stairs not caring to slow down as I stumble behind him. Why do I have to be so damn clumsy?

He stops in front of an open door. I look inside to see a bedroom fully decorated. "This will be your room. You can talk to me if you are in the house. However, you can't talk to me at school or anywhere else. You got that?" he looks me in the eye, giving me what I assume is supposed to be a mean glare.

"I got it. What's your name?"

"Andrew." He turns his back to me and disappears down the hall. Okay?

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