5. Friends?

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"What?" I'm a little annoyed, but I try to be nice. It looks like I'm stuck with him for a while anyway. Might as well make the most out of it, right?

"Tell me, how was your life before all this. Before you knew you were Satan's child and all that?" I laugh and smile at him. So cheesy, wanting to know about my past, adorable.

"You know? My life was normal. I had my mom and for as long as a can remember it has only been us. I am the typical girl you see in the back of the class. I got no friends, always alone because I often argue with the people I talk to and I fight with them sometimes. Gotten pretty bruised a couple of times." I look down remembering one time I came home, and my mom got mad because she got a call from the school. I was pretty bruised. I had lost like I usually do. Do I learn? Nope.

"I'm often wearing black because I feel the color satisfy my soul, some arguments and fight here and there. Work after school to help my mom with the bills. Bullies by the likes of you." I look back up at him pointing at his chest accusingly with my index finger. He's still looking at me and listens to what I say.

"But now, I feel like the more I want to go back to my old self the more I lose. I don't want to change but I don't want to stay the same either because I can't. I just wish my mom could come back to me. She got killed I think the day I came here. Yesterday if I remember correctly. I can't grasp the fact that I'll probably never see her again. She wanted to protect me from my father."

A tear leaves the corner of my eye and I wipe it off fast. "Shouldn't your friends be here soon?" I try to change the subject. I need to find a day to grieve over my mom. If I keep bottling up, I'll explode. Killing people with my flames and such. Andrew looks at the door.

"Yeah, they should, but I guess they're taking their time." He turns his focus back onto me.

"You know, I never knew how your life was before this, and I don't remember bullying you but if I did, I'm sorry. I should realize that it's not nice to bully people. At the same time, I can't help myself. I guess it's just how I am." I smile, yeah that sounds about right. I open my mouth to say something, but the doorbell rings, and Andrew stands up to open the door.

When he gets back into the living room with his friends, he presents them to me and me to them. However, I know who they are, everybody in the school knows them.

Andrew, the most popular one. He's the leader of the group and the one with all the girls swirling around him. He's eighteen, around 6'1 has green eyes and dirty blond hair which is wavy and a little longer on the top than at the sides and back. He's not ripped, but he has muscles so he's not one to go up against.

Henrik, the quietest one of them. He's well-mannered when you first talk to him. His hair is chocolate brown, and his eyes are also brown. His hair is straight and mostly all over the place. Sometimes I even wonder if that boy has ever seen a mirror. He's eighteen and a little taller than Andrew, I would guess 6'2 maybe. He has a little less muscle than Andrew, but still enough to pack a punch if necessary.

William is the smart one. His graders are sky high and I don't even know how he manages that when he's always in other places and not always in class. He's 6'1 as Andrew and is eighteen like the other two as well. His hair is blond and straight, but much shorter than the other boys'. However, still long enough to pull your hand through it seeing as he does it almost all the time. He has broad shoulders, and I can see that he's well-built underneath his leather jacket.

Lastly, Leon. He's the group and school player. He's slept with half the girl at the school and can never seem to go into a relationship that lasts longer than a week. He's 6'2 like Henrik and has dark brown hair, almost black. His eyes are light blue, making everyone wonder if they're contacts or something. He's eighteen as the others and he's the one who's mostly around Andrew. He is probably the biggest, seeing as he is one of the two tallest and has a little more muscle than Andrew. He's broad-shouldered and fit. There is no other word to describe it. He's ripped, but not too much like a great amount.

"So, this is your new girlfriend?" Leon asks walking closer to me. Somehow, I think it's mostly to tease Andrew.

"No, she's not she has been placed here by my father. However, she is going to be living here for a long time, so I guess that I should present you to her and maybe she can join us. I mean she's not that ugly after all." His friends smile and look at me. Did Andrew just call me beautiful? I know he didn't say it like that but not ugly, well I take what I can get.

"Fine, but then we'll have to get to know her," William says turning his focus on me.

"What's your name and do tell us all about yourself." I'm surprised to see it's Henrik who's talking, but I look at Andrew, wondering if he meant everything as in all the Satan and demons stuff. Andrew shakes his head, meaning that I'm not going to tell them about the Satan stuff.

"Well, my name is Elaine and I lived with my mom not far from here, but sadly she lost her life in a fire the other day when I was at school. My dad left me when I was little, and I have no clue about who he is. My mom knew Andrew's dad. Then when Mats heard about the fire and went to see if my mom were okay, he couldn't find her, but he found me. When I explained what had happened, he took me here, and now I am going to live here until I can get the hell out of this town." I breathe. They look at me in surprise.

"Wow, I know you from somewhere, don't I?" Leon says. Wow, I'm surprised he even has a brain in there.

"Yeah, we used to bully her a couple of years ago, she was kind of a loser at school. I plan on going to the mall with her so that I can buy her a lot of new clothes. That way people won't recognize her when I drive her to school. You know?" Andrew looks at me a smirk plastered on his lips.

Well, at least I can go shopping. And I don't have that many clothes here because almost all of them were left in the house which is probably burnt down now.

The others nod at him. Probably agreeing with my horrible taste in clothing. Great. 

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