9. Regret

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When I wake up, I'm in my bed. I have a slight headache and my body feels numb. Mats come through my door. and I look at him, not able to move my body much. "Finally, I'm sorry for injecting you, but I had no choice. You were about to kill Andrew. It's some demon venom but you'll be fine in a couple of hours, I think. You lost control of the power and you went up in flames as well." He looks at me with worry. "What about Andrew?"

"He's in his room. I called my boss and had him send a nurse who deals with demon's attacks." He stops for a second.

"I don't know how he is. The doctor hasn't come back out yet." Just as he finishes talking, I hear footsteps. A nurse appears behind him in the doorway and Mats turns around. I'm going to run towards her, anger flaring up again as I watch myself go up in flames once again, but the bed not catching on fire. My sudden movement making my body ace and I didn't get far, my hands are chained to the top of the bed, letting me move about three feet.

"He's pretty hurt and has broken his arm however, I don't think she knows how to use her powers properly, so he is not poisoned or anything. He is just in pain right now." The nurse breaks the silence, and her words make tears come to my eyes. What did I do?

I need to tell him how sorry I am. "Mats release me, please," I say angrier than I mean to. What's up with me?

"I have to see him. I didn't mean to hurt him I swear." tears start to run down my cheek. "I'm sorry Elaine, but you don't have control. I must have you chained up for at least an hour more until you calm down. You may feel calm, but your anger makes you dangerous. You can't control your emotions in this state. Besides, you're still drugged down from the demon venom." His words make me angry and start pulling the chains that hold me down. I feel them digging into my skin, but I don't care.

"Don't even try to break free. Those are demon-resistant chains. You can't get free." Someone says and I look towards the door. The nurse is standing there. I sigh. "Is he ok? I didn't mean to hurt him I swear." My voice becoming more desperate. She comes further into my room.

"He's going to be ok. Physically at least. He told me he was scared, and he didn't want to see you. You make him scared. He said that your eyes were red, and your body went up in flames as you kept hitting him. He tried to talk to you, but you just wouldn't listen. If Mats hadn't been there you would've killed him." Her words hurt me, deep down I know she's right. I'm a danger, I shouldn't live. Not like this. I lay back down in my bed and stay like that deep in thought. He hates me. He hates me.

"Come on." Mats voice brings me out of my thoughts. I look at him and see that he has the chains in his arms. "An hour has gone." I jump out of bed. My body still sore, but I just need to see him. He follows me as I go into Andrew's room.

"Andrew?" I walk into the room and stops by his bed. He is laying in his bed. He looks beaten up. He looks at me and when I look at his face, I can see it's all bruised and he has some cuts here and there. Tears well up in my eyes, threatening to fall.

"I'm so sorry I didn't..."

"Get out! You monster! Get away from me!" He yells at me and I take a step back the tears now falling. "Please, I didn't mean to I'm sorry." I break down on my knees, looking at him, pleading for him not to hate me. "Just go, I never want to see you again." At his words, I run out of his room. I've ruined everything. He hates me and I've scared him so badly he thinks I'm a monster and never wants to see me again.

I run to the door and rushes outside. I keep running and running until I can't run anymore. I break down when I'm at the burn-down house that used to live in. I break down in more tears once again. What the hell have I done. My mom fixed my life right after she died by telling me to go to Mats. Now I've ruined everything. I'm never going to be able to fix this. 

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