22. Save Him, For Me...

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"That's what I said." Lucifer sight. Mats rush to Andrew's side. Wanting to do anything to help his son. I fall to the floor on the other side of Andrew.

"Lucifer, what can I do?!" I scream at him, not on purpose but because I'm stressed out.

"I can take care of it, but not here. I don't have much time left." He walks over to Andrew. Pushing Mats away in the process. I can see the anger in Mats' eyes as he's being shoved away from his dying son.

"Mats!" he turns his gaze towards me, fear in his eyes. "Trust me. I'll take care of him." He seems to relax a little at my words. "Just promise me to bring him back ok?" he looks at me for confirmation and I nod. When I turn to leave but Leon steps in front of me. Blocking my path.

"Leon?" he looks me in the eyes. The shock must have left him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he sounds hurt.

"I don't know. A lot has happened since then and I'm sorry if I hurt you, that was never my intention. Now excuse me I'll talk to you later. I don't have time for this, Andrew's dying."

I walk around him and over to Lucifer who's now outside. Andrew laying down at his feet on the ground as he's making the portal. When I reach his side, he picks Andrew up and carries him in his arms as he walks through the portal.

I walk through it after him. Standing in front of the mansion and following Lucifer as he walks through the halls of the big house.

He walks into the house and puts Andrew on a bed in one of the extra bedrooms. The little girl appears, and Lucifer talks to her before turning to me. "Sit down for a bit." He walks out the door. Not long after he comes back with an item in his hands. He says some words and a red light goes from his hand into Andrew. Sorcery?

"He should be fine." I walk over to him sitting on the bed beside him. "How come you can touch him, and I can't?" Lucifer put a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"You can learn how to turn off certain parts of your powers. That way you won't hurt people by touching them." I sight. "I can't believe I hurt him." I look up at Lucifer.

"You have a lot to learn my child." He gives me a small smile.

"Won't he die from the air?" I can feel my throat clutching together in fear of him ever dying. Leaving me behind.

"No, not now. The healing ritual I just did makes him immune to the air for a while. However, he should leave once he wakes up." He gives my shoulder a light squeeze before walking out of the room.

I just sit beside him, too scared to take his hand because I don't want to hurt him again. I decide on learning how to seal some of them off. So that this doesn't repeat itself later.

I find a book on my desk that mentions something like this and brings it back into the room Andrew is in.

At the end of the book, I find the page mentioning it.

I read through it several times, memorizing the words.

I try to think about what's important to me. Making up an image of a river flowing through me. I imagine placing a dam, so the river stops. I can feel the power draining from my body, making me feel somewhat empty.

I open my eyes and take Andrew's hand in my own. Begging for it to work.

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