25. I Hate You

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I wake up to a bone-wrecking scream. I nearly jump out of bed, running out of the room and into the hallway. I see Lucifer standing over a body, I can't see who it is yet.

He's about to attack the poor guy on the floor once again but stops when he sees me.

"I was so worried about you." He walks towards me, but I step back. His hands are covered in blood. Probably from the person on the floor behind him.

I look over at the body on the floor, focusing. Is that Leon?! I run past Lucifer not caring what he said because I can't hear him. I'm too focused on getting on the floor, looking at what I'm not sure is Leon. His eyes are closed as he lays lifeless on the floor. Several cuts over his upper body.

"Leon?!" I shake his shoulders, but he doesn't wake up. I shakily put two fingers at his neck. franticly searching for a pulse. When I don't feel any, my chest tightens, and panic consumes me. He can't be dead. He just can't. I let out a scream before I rise to my feet glaring at Lucifer.

"You killed him!?" Lucifer just glares at me blankly. "He held you as a prisoner. He wouldn't let me see you." He walks towards me. I put my hand up to stop him, needing to take a few breaths to be able to talk. I'm shaking with anger and. "No! He was one of my few friends." I catch myself, not believing this is real.

"He accepted me for who I am! I'll never forgive you!" I rush out of his house and run down the streets. I don't know where to place myself. Leon got killed because of me.

Lucifer flies in front of me. Making me stop.

"Elaine, stop." I shake my head, tears falling down my face. "You killed him, I'll never forgive you. I don't want to see you ever again." My voice brakes, getting my wings out, and I fly away. I end up at Andrew's house, all out of breath and at the breaking point. I knock several times and when Andrew opens the door I fall into his arms. Crying.

"Elaine? What happened?!" he carries me inside and the door shut as Mats also meets me in the living room.

"He killed Leon!" I manage to say between sobs. Not getting their reaction because my vision being too blurry because of the tears to even make out their faces. "What!?" Andrew falls to the ground beside me, hugging me close.

"Who killed him." Mats voice fills the room. Even though I can't see him I'm pretty sure he's furious by the sound of his voice. "Lucifer, and it's all my fa-" breaking down once again in the middle of the sentence. Remembering that I once said that I would kill him. I will do it now. I want to avenge my friend.

"I'll do it." I dry my tears and pull myself together. Drying my tears allowing me to see clearly again. Mats look at me with a questioning look on his face.

"Do what?" I look him in the eyes. "I'll kill him." a surprised look showing on his face. Processing what I said he nods. Andrew has gotten himself to stand and look at me. "Is there anything I can do to help you?" I think for a second, before realizing something.

"Find as much information about Satan as possible and Mats?" I shift my gaze from Andrew to Mats. "Could you maybe see if you can find some learning books on how to use my kind of abilities or powers?" he gives me a reassuring nod and they both disappear in different directions.

I walk up the stairs to my room. Finding a notebook and a pen, I start writing and coming up with what I hope will be a good plan for how I'm going to fight Lucifer. With the small amount of information, I know about Lucifer there is so much that could go wrong, making me come up with several plan B's. After a little while Mats comes through the door with a book in his hands.

"This is Satan's book. It has all the magic spells and nasty tricks a demon can perform. I stole it from the organization a long time ago. Thinking that no one should hold this much power, but I know you're a good-hearted person and I trust you to make the right decisions. You can learn a lot from just reading it. understanding the basics of each spell." He places the book on my bed.

I start flipping through the pages. On the last page, I see a spell with a warning sign. Who would put a warning by a spell, that doesn't even make sense?

I read it out loud trying to make sense of it. "This spell is not safe, do not use it unless reaching a critical condition. May cause death, even on immortal beings." I smile to myself. I read it repeatedly inside me. I can use this spell as my secret power. I know there's a great chance I'll die from it, but seeing which position I'm already in. I'm quite sure I'll die anyway.

I learn some other strong, but not too complicated spells before letting myself fall asleep. 

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