11. Time For Fixing

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Andrew pops his head inside my room to say we must leave for school now, but he stops when he sees me on the floor.

"Elaine? Are you okay?" he walks over to me. When I look up at him my eyes cloud over with tears once again.

"No." my voice disappears as I start to sob. He bends down and puts a comforting arm around me. "I don't know how I feel anymore." he lifts my head by placing his hand on my chin so that I'm looking up at him. "Look at me." His voice is serious. "Let me give you some advice. Break up with Leon. Go back to the person you were before all this mess and figure out your feelings." I nod. "Maybe." I dry my tears, as I stand up and try to smile at him. Failing miserably. "I'll drive you to school. Just get ready." He then leaves my room. I'm left dumb folded for a while before I walk to the bathroom to wash my face seeing as my eyes are red from the crying and that I have dark bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep.

I put in some new clothes and rush downstairs. I get in Andrew's car and look out the window the whole ride. Once at school I look for Leon. I find him just before the bell rings.

"Leon, can I talk to you for a minute?" he turns around with a smile when he sees me. "Ok, what is it?" I look at the ground, ashamed to do this because I am horrible when it comes to boys and I don't want to hurt him. Besides I'm not sure what I feel which is the reason t why I'm doing this. "I'm sorry but I'm breaking up." I look up to meet his eyes. "You like Andrew, don't you?"

His eyes are filled with pain, and I feel a tear fall. His face looks crushed and I'm not sure if it's because I'm breaking up or because I'm crying. "I don't know, that's why I'm ending it." He nods and walks away without another word. I wipe the tear and follow behind through the school entrance knowing I'm late to the first period.

"Elaine, do you want a ride home?" Andrew asks as he is walking towards me. School is over and I didn't see Leon after he left me before the first period. "Yeah, thanks." I smile at him and we walk to the car.

I get in the car and when we start driving, I turn to him. "You know, I'm sorry for what I did to you. I just got a little mad and I guess the other side took over. I'm sorry." He smiles.

"I was mad at you in the beginning, and scared, but then you disappeared for two days and I got so worried. I didn't know what to do with myself if something bad happened to you. I then understood that I liked you and I started understanding that it's not your fault that you're Satan's child. I'm going to help you figure it all out. Don't worry. I'm sure you hated yourself more than I did." His voice is steady and gives me the courage to not be so scared and terrified about what I am and that I have no control over it. it also made me realize that he knows that I hate myself just as much or maybe even more than he does. I never asked for this and he has been in this world far longer than me.

I start to smile and chuckle when I remember the first day living at his house and I tried to kill myself. I know it's not funny, but I can't help it. So much has changed since then.

"What's so funny?" I turn to Andrew. "I just remembered something. Do you remember when I first got to your house? I tried to kill myself." I smile at the memory. "What was I thinking?" he smiles and looks at me for a couple of seconds before turning back looking at the road again. "I remember being mad at you for being so selfish. I didn't understand how it would feel like. Then you turned out to be just a normal girl at heart. Then you disappeared I was scared." He stops talking for a moment. Andrew? Scared when I disappeared, what's gotten into him lately?

"I was scared that the only way of destroying the demons would disappear, but mostly I was scared I was never going to see you again. You know that I've grown to care about you. Your heart is in the right place." He smiles to himself. I can't help to smile too. In the end, it all worked out. "Do you like me?" his question surprises me and catches me off guard and my mind gets foggy so I can't come up with an answer. To be honest, I don't know, but I don't want to hurt him.

"You don't have to say anything right now. When you do have an answer, I'll be ready to hear it." He says with a smile. "I don't have an answer now, but when all of this is over, I'll give you my answer," I say and he seems pleased with my comment seeing as I'm pretty confused right now, so he stays quiet for the rest of the ride back home.

When I get out of the car, I can hear Mats yelling at someone from inside. When I get through the door Mats turn towards me. "Look at her. You can't do that." His voice is calmer and lower now than before. "You need to tell her. Now. She's going to find out eventually anyway."

The man leaves the house in a hurry and I look at Mats. "What?" Andrew comes inside and his face tells me that he doesn't know anything ether. "Sit down, I need to talk to you. Both of you." I sit down in the living room all worked up. My body is filled with tension as Mats sits across from me and Andrew sits next to me. What did the man mean, especially that got him this worked up? I've never seen Mats react like that.

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