21. Summoning Me

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The next few days go by in a flash. I start to get the hang of how to use my wings so I'm starting to learn how to use some of my abilities. Suddenly a white light surrounds me and when it disappears, I find myself in Mats' house. In the middle of a ring. "It worked."

I turn around facing Mats, Andrew, Leon, Henrik, and William. "Elaine?" Leon looks at me surprised. "What just happened?" I turn to face Mats. Him being the person in the room who's most likely to tell me what's going on.

"Andrew managed to summon you." He says and points at his son. I turn to him, confusion was written all over my face.

"How'd you do that?" I walk out of the ring and over to him. I'm happy he even wanted to see me again. "Because of the connection we have." He says and I wrap my arms around him in a comforting hug. I've missed this. Once we release each other I look at Leon, Henrik, and William, all to find them look at me with horror in their eyes.

"What wrong?" their eyes just widen even more if that's even possible.

"They're still in shock from what I told them about you being Satan's child and all that." He says and I turn my attention back to Andrew. Jeez, makes sense I mean, I freaked out too.

"Why did you summon me anyway?" He looks at me for a second.

"I wanted you to know that Satan himself was here a couple of days ago." He says and pauses, and I use the opportunity to cut him off.

"I know, I asked him to leave you guys alone because I still care about you." He looks at me surprised.

"You did? Wow. Ahh, what's with the outfit?" he points at the cape wrapped around my body.

"Oh, this?" I gently touch it, smiling to myself. "I got it from Lucifer. He has one like it. somehow different thought. It's practical because of my wings and it is really pretty. It also helps me with control-" I get cut off when the door slams open and watch as Lucifer walks into the room.

Mats, Andrew, Leon, William, and Henrik take a step back. I, on the other hand, walk up to him.

"What are you doing here?" my voice carrying annoyance, but he simply looks at me.

"Did they hurt you?" he looks worriedly at me. I scoff.

"No, Andrew summoned me because of our connection I think it was?" I look at Mats who gives me a little nod of confirmation. Not daring to do anything because of the powerful presence of Lucifer in the room. He's so much more scary-looking than me if I could say so myself.

"That complicates things." He walks up to Andrew. Andrew takes a step back, but Lucifer uses his powers to stop him from moving at all. "Do you know what you've done?" I can see the fear in Andrew's eyes. As I would ever let Lucifer hurt him.

"Lucifer!" I yell at him and he turns around looking at me. I see Andrew breathe out a shaky breath from behind him.

"You're scaring him. What did you want to say?" he looks over at Andrew again.

"I was saying that since he summoned you, he has to make a wish for you to be able to come home. It doesn't matter if I make a portal or anything. You can't come back home if he doesn't make a wish and you fulfill it." He says and looks at Andrew angrily.

"Can you just go over there." to my surprise he does as I say. Mats jaw drops open. Probably surprised that Lucifer follows my order.

"You can control Satan?" he looks at me wide-eyed.

"No, I can't. Lucifer just respects me and my choices." Lucifer nods in confirmation.

"That's right, and I'm not here to hurt anyone. I never hurt people who don't deserve it." He says and I laugh a little at his statement.

"You just have to say it like that." I hit him friendly on the arm before turning to Andrew. "What's your wish?" I look at him and he walks up to me. A grin on his face.

"I want you to kiss me." Lucifer rushes forward at his words, putting some distance between us. "Are you sure you know what you're asking her to do?" he asks calmer than I thought that he would. I thought he would rip him apart, to be honest, and I'm still surprised he's not gone crazy yet.

"Is there a problem?" he asks directly to Lucifer, which sets both me and him off. Becoming brave, are we? Way to go Andrew.

"Wow, you're talking straight to me. You're the first one to do that in ages." He smiles at Andrew.

"If she kisses you, you'll get hurt. Bad." the last part being said in a much deeper voice. Andrew lifts his eyebrows questioning. "What do you mean?" Lucifer let out a breath and closes his eyes for a moment.

"Since she now has been living in hell for a while and that she has developed a lot of powerful abilities even the slightest touch will make her body react to you like an enemy." He wraps an arm around my shoulder. "How come you don't get affected?" he says and points at his arm. Andrew? Sometimes I question how clever you are. It's obvious.

"I'm her father. My power is bigger than hers, at least for now. Her abilities and power growing fast. She'll be way more powerful than me someday."

"I'll take my chances." He ignores Lucifer's remark and walks towards me. I feel Lucifer's arm drop from my shoulders.

Andrew comes up to me and puts an arm around my waist. He pulls me close to him as he kisses my lips softly. Accepting the kiss and placing my hands around his neck it feels like it lasts for an eternity. His body close to mine, and the warmth radiating off of him.

When he falls to the ground. I gasp. He shivers, as he lays on the ground looking like he's about to die. 

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