18. What Now?

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"You ready?" Lucifer looks at me, as I lay on a table in a room I never knew where in this big house. It's like an operating room, kind of. Just in black and not white. He's going to do the heart transplant. I'm a nervous wreck and I'm convinced I'll pass out because of the pain. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be." He nods and turns to pick up the tools. I take a deep breath, clenching my jaw to prevent from screaming.

I don't know why I agreed to this honestly. I guess I figured I would have the choice whether or not to use all of my strength or now. Seeing as it's not a mental problem but rather a physical one, it's easier to fix. I feel the cold metal against my chest. A small cry escapes my lips. I've never been good when it comes to pain.

"STOP IT!" I scream from the pain, trying to break free from the restraints. It feels like my body is on fire, and my heart is being ripped out, something it is. "Hold on." I can barely hear his voice above my cries for help. After passing out, letting the darkness consume me.

When I regain consciousness, intense pain flows throughout my body.

"Aghhh!" Someone rushes to my side right away. I somehow regret my decision, but seeing as there is no going back now, I might as well go with the flow, right?

"Try to relax." I open my eyes and watch as someone franticly walks back and forth. The one beside the bed I'm currently in, is a nurse, I think? My vision is blurred out so I can't make out the faces just that there is a female sitting beside the bed. She was probably the one telling me to relax. I close my eyes and allow my body to rest against the bed. Taking calming slow breaths. Even when I'm relaxing the pain doesn't go away. It's getting better, but not gone.

After a little while, I open my eyes again. "You were right, when I'm lying still it doesn't hurt as much." I try to smile but the pain makes me just close my eyes again. I feel uncomfortable in this position mostly because of the pain, but I don't even dare to move just yet. "Me and my coworker here are not going anywhere, you just focus on becoming better." I don't respond, simply not having the energy to as I fall back into a dreamless sleep once again.

When I wake up, I see Lucifer by my side. "How long?" my voice is low and groggy. "Another week." I look at him wide-eyed. Another? Oh, wait the last time I woke up must have been after a week. Oh, this is just great.

"I thought I was going to lose you."

"Hey, if you could just give me something to drink, I can walk around the room for you. I'm very much alive. Didn't think you would get rid of me this easy did you now?" I smile. My body doesn't hurt much anymore. It's number.

He walks off and shortly after he returns with a glass of water. I chug it down fast, enjoying the cold liquid flowing down my throat.

I sit up slowly and shoves my legs over the edge of the bed. I stand up and walk slowly around the room. Happy that the legs aren't giving up underneath me. O move my arms upwards and feel a slight sting in my chest. I look down pushing the hospital like gown a little down so I can look at the wound, except there isn't one.

"Why don't I have a scar?" I look up at him walking back to the bed to go and sit down. The numbness slowly leaving my body.

"Well, you now have the blood of the first fallen angel and the ruler of hell, me. The heart of a fallen angel, and the abilities like mine. Your healing power is incredible. Somehow, it's better than mine, I think it has something to do with the mix of my blood and the new heart. I think that you'll be just fine." I smile at him. My body feels, lighter more adjustable. It's like I've been given a completely new energy source.

"Have you heard anything from Andrew? Mats maybe?" I look at him and he shakes his head. "No, you want to go see them?" the tone of his voice tells me he's not happy about it, but at the same time, I know he would do anything for me.

I nod and he lets out a loud sight before turning to face me. He looks me in the eyes. "I will allow it, but if he as much as hurt a hair on your head I'll have him killed." His voice being all serious I take his word for it. He quickly makes a portal by the door before walking out of the room leaving me to myself. I change into some clothes that are left for me.

Some black skinny jeans, the black combat boots I've grown to love so much and a black singlet with bad bitch written in white at the front, and the opening for the arms stretched further down, making room for what I expect is for my wings if I let them out. Feeling confident in the clothing I walk through the portal, feeling the need to talk to Andrew. Even if he'll be angry at my choices for what I've just been through.

When I walk out on the other side it's just as many guards there as last time I came out. When they see me this time, they just let me walk past. Probably recognizing me and not daring to go against me. Somehow, I think Mats also talked to them. I run out and order a taxi to Andrew's house. Once reaching the house I turn to the driver.

"Could I just get inside and get some money?" he nods, and I run inside and take some money, not caring if it's the right amount. I shove it to him, and he drives off.

I walk back into the house and I meet Andrew in the hallway. I stop and stare at him, he does the same, probably not knowing how to react.

"I'm sorry, so much has happened." I try to sound reasonable knowing much more time has passed here than back in hell where I've been. He only shakes his head at me.

"What did he do to you?" he looks at me, disgust was written all over his face. "He saved me." his face goes pale.

"Saved you? From what?!" he walks over to me in four quick steps. "My heart almost gave up. It wasn't strong enough to hold through the strain of my powers. To stand up against the rising power. Lucifer told me he didn't know when they'll stop, and I need to learn control, so I don't go out on a rampage." Andrew looks away from me, and I sigh.

"So, he got you a new one. From whom?" I place my hands on his shoulders and turn him around to face me. "It was from someone dead. Relax. He cares about me more than anyone. He killed demons and spirits to save me." I can hear him cursing under his breath but choose to ignore it.

"Why were you even in danger?" I can tell by the look in his eyes that he's hurt.

"Andrew, I'm sorry if I've done something to hurt or upset you. That was never my intention." I feel my anger rising. I don't know why because my feelings have been a little all over the place, all since I woke up.

"Elaine?" he looks at me with a worried look on his face as steps backward.

"What?" He points at something behind me. "You have wings." His jaw drops and I turn my head. This is just great. My wings are nothing like Lucifers. My wings are covered in big black feathers, giving off a faint angelic glow.

"Mats!" Andrew yells and I take a wary step back. Scared of what they'll do. Mats come running down the hallway. His face filling with worry once he sees me.

"What did he do to you?" Mats sound desperate, and I roll my shoulder to get the wings to go back, which they do, and I take a careful step towards them both.

"He gave me a heart transplant two weeks ago. My heart gave up because of the rising power inside of me. I would have died if he didn't. The heart comes from an already dead fallen angel." Mats look at me wide-eyed. He comes towards me wary. Probably scared I'll lose control.

"Let me see." He takes out a small knife from his jacket walking towards me. "What are you gonna do?" I step back, not wanting to get hurt. Knowing Lucifers probably kill him for it later.

"I'm not going to hurt you. Don't worry. I'm just going to check out how fast you'll heal, seeing as you're up and walking just two weeks after a heart transplant." Being right in front of him I nod. "It's fine."

He takes my arm in one hand and holds the knife in the other. I recognize the shaft of the knife, it's the demon-resistant knife I found when I first came here. The one who can harm a demon, making the healing abilities sub-stain for a certain amount of time.

Making a small cut in the palm of my hands, not even hurting. Probably because of the sharpness of the blade. I watch it bleed and then close up right before my eyes. "Just as I thought." He says and for some reason that scares me more than I thought it would.

"What do you mean?" I ask and he meets my eyes, a serious look on his face. 

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