Chapter two

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As I tied my soft black locks up in a high and tight pony tail little tommy wobbled in. He was just five and was going to start school so that means I may have to start another job to get money for them to finish school.
The second eldest was ruby, she was my main friend the one that I talked to being seventeen years old. She was just graduating and was planning on leaving as soon as she got the chance.
"Why do you gots to leave?" Tommy asked, he had a small lisp but i could at least understand him.
"So I can pay for food and school." I smiled down at him while I slipped my work shirt on over my long black tank top. David had decided it'd be nice to come home and beat on me yesterday and left a nice black bruise on me arm. And a few light bruises on my face.
"I don't like it when you leave, that's when daddy come home." Tommy whimpered.
"Does daddy hurt you?" I asked him his big innocent eyes welling up with tears. I usually didn't call him daddy I usually went with a first name basis but with tommy it was different.
"No but he hurt joy sometimes. Sometimes she will be coloring in her room with Cory and when he's mad he will walk in and hurt her... It made Cory cry sissy... I am scared." Those big tears rolled down his cheeks. I bent down and pulled him into a hug rubbing his back.
"Shh it's okay tommy. It'll all be alright okay? If that happens again go get sissy ruby and tell her okay? She will make it stop. Or go into my room and lock the door and wait till I get home. If you get really scared crawl under my bed and take Mr. Fluffers and wait okay? When you hear me you can unlock the door." I said pulling back to wipe away his tears. I grabbed a Kleenex and told him to blow.
Soon I had tommy, joy, Cory, lidia, and Jessie all tucked away in bed. Me and ruby shared a room, tommy and Jessie shared one and then the three little girls shared one too.
I walked out of my bathroom trying to dab a bit of foundation on to Some of his bruises.
When I walked out ruby was on her phone with a smile on her face.
"Texting lover boy?" I asked her she just smiled and rolled her eyes.
"Ruby, I have a big task of you. If David comes home I need you to take the kids in here lock the door and don't let him in. Don't sneak out to go to a friends house. When I'm here I will cover for you and let you go have your fun okay? I just need this task done. And remember the kids safety comes first." I said while picking up my purse and slipping on my converse.
"Yeah of course." She nodded.
"Well I hate to say it but we need those kids safe. I don't want to put you in harms way but your an adult now and you need to protect those kids it's not just my job anymore. We share the task." I walked over and kissed her head.
"Be safe at work," she said smiling
"I will, and if David comes home remember what I said okay?" I asked her.
"Yes I know." She said and with that I walked out and started walking to my work. I worked at a small department store. The pay wasn't the best but I didn't mind. I figured once the kids are all out of school is can start school back up that's why with every pay check i put a little into my Saving accounts.
When I got there Derek my best friend was already waiting for me. He knew my darkest secrets and always kept them that way because I told him to. I couldn't risk our family being separated. Id take all the pain in the world to have us together then have them go through what I went through.
"Hey you, long sleeves again? What happened this time?" He asked his eyes full of concern.
I pulled up my sleeve and showed him the nasty bruise.
"It's nothing really, I swear." I said smiling showing him that I am okay.
"Your cheek is also tinged with purple, oh please tell me he isn't hurting my baby dandelion again." He said with a frown. The only reason he called me dandelion was because when we were younger at a park, I thought he was cute so I picked a bunch of dandelions and gave them to him. Cheesy move right?
"It's fine it's nothing to worry about." I said
When I had put my stuff down and walking around adjusting stuff I heard the door open. In walked a bunch of guys. The one in the back wore a beany and nerd glasses. His skin was as pale as the moon and his hair almost as black as mine. Ruby always called me raven because of my black locks and somewhay pointy nose I also had brown almost black eyes so that made my features more defined. I had Many different nicknames.
In all truth my name is royal. Silly name right? That name came from the cookoo person that named me.
When me and the guy's eyes connected it felt like our hearts where bounded too. I wasn't sure why, maybe it was because he was handsome but I wasn't sure. I just turned away, kept my head down and continued organizing. The group came up to me and the man in the front with a snap back and fitting black tee with stained jeans puffed out his chest.
"Do you know where I can find some condoms?" He asked. His friends snicker behind him.
"I think they are in the pharmacy isle." I said not bothering to look up at him.
"Well I thought I might need some after you and me go on a date." He said a confident smirk on his face. He seriously had no brains...
"In your dreams buddy." I attempted to walk away from them but they just followed.
"Do you know where I could find assistance That's actually nice? I mean I could use assistance with my package... Your mouth looks like it could do the job." He licked his lips and grabbed my jaw harshly.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you girl." He said. Through training I was always taught to walk away from the situation and go find help. I tried to walk away but he just grabbed me arm his knuckle white tight grip digging ini my flesh. I hissed from his grip coming in contact with my bruise and almost starting crying.
"What a freak." He laughed and I just tried to turn away wanting to run far away.
"Joe let go of her." The guy in the back stated.
"No I'm just having fun." His grip tightened if at all possible and I breathed deep breaths to try and relieve the pain.
"I said... Let. Go. Of. Her." He said through clenched teeth.
"Dude what's your problem?" Joe asked looking back just in time to see the other guys fist coming in contact with his jaw. Joe stumbled back a bit and then gave the other guy a hard glare.
"What the h-" he was cut off my Derek coming around the corner.
"Is there a problem here?" He asked and i pleaded with my eyes for him to help me. I just turned on me heel and started walking away. Soon I heard the boys exiting the shop. Derek was hot on my heels and I just made it into the bathroom before letting all my tears out.
I heard the door open and tried to regain myself. Derek was standing in the girls bathroom looking as confused as ever. That got a chuckle out of me. I sniffled and he rested his hands on my shoulders.
"What did he do to you dandelion?" He asked in a sooth tone.
"Just grabbed my arm but it hurt because of my bruise." I said sniffling. He ran his hand over my cheek wiping away excess tears.
"It'll all be okay, some day I'll take you away from the pain and then we can live some where else and look for people that will make us happy." He said smiling. I wrapped my arms around his torso because his neck was to far up there. I was 5'5" and he was 6'4" so the struggle was real. He wrapped his hands around my neck letting them hang there loosely. Yet when I tightened my grip he tightened his.
"What would I do without you?" I asked looking up into his soft blue eyes.
Just then my phone started ringing so I pulled it out to see rubies number on the screen.
"Hello?" My voice was panicky because she only called me when there was an emergency.
"Royal, help... David. Ah!" I heard a scream followed by the mismatches of cries from the children in the background. That was enough to get me going. I ran out of the bathroom and took off down the street, not bothering to even get my stuff. I saw the boys walking on the side of the road. The nerdy guy that I found attractive was standing up bold next to the guy that was in the fitted Black shirt. Joe was shoving him yet he didn't seem to move a muscle.
He looked over to his right and our eyes met. His where a sparkling blue color. It looked like they where almost glowing. When joe shoved him again he turned to look at him fury plain on his face. I was back to running and heard a small shout.
"She isn't a freak... She is my soul..." And then it was blurred.
I continued running until I was home. I didn't even bother to close the door. I ran up the steps to see David screaming and slamming his fist one after another on her limp body.
Was she dead? She can't die on me. I marched up to David and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. A new found confidence found in the shy lonely girl. Pulling my fist back I went to slam it into his nose but he caught my fist and turned it so it twisted my arm. He punched my gut and kicked out my knees making me fall to the floor.
"I give you a home and this is how you treat me?" He yelled
One punch to the ribs, crackin sound those are deffinately broken.
"You stupid whore." He shouts
One kick to the stomach leaving me limp and weak. Yet one thought drifts through my mind... At least no one else is getting hurt. I saw his fist coming back down on me but it never came. I looked up and saw Derek holding David in a choke hold. His eyes showed pure fury. David was gasping for air and I knew Derek was going to kill him.
"Derek stop... Your going to kill him." I managed to get out.
"Derek." I wheezed out being breathless. I managed to prop myself up and used the wall to get me to my feet.
"DEREK!" I screamed trying to pry his hands off of David's throat. Finally he let go... But David was limp.

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