Chapter nine

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David stood there his eyes red and whiskers on his chin. He stumbled forward and reached out for one of the little girls, we just moved aside so he couldn't get to them.
"don't touch my family, you may be the source of how these children came to be but love runs thicker than blood." I said glaring at him.
His eyes narrowed into slits.
"All these years of raising you and I just raised an ungreatful b-" he was stopped from finishing his insult when Derek just went up to him and slammed him in the jaw. Which of course made the kids cry.
"Take them out to the truck and let's go to your house Derek. I'll meet up with you guys in a sec." I said and as they left I grabbed tommy's teddy bear and the girls play toys then hurried out to the car. When I got in and we started driving off I pulled out my flip phone and dialed Andrews number
"Hello, Social services this is Andrew how may I help you?" He asked
"Andrew, it's me royal. I came home and I took the kids, they where getting beat on and I couldn't take it any longer. David is knocked out at our house it would be greatly appreciative of you went and took him away." I said and I heard him mumble a few naughty words under his breath
"Seriously royal? This couldn't wait." He cursed a bit more under his breath and it a tinge of guilt but it was quickly covered with anger.
"He beat my sister and hit my little brother! And by little I mean five years old Andrew! So don't make me feel guilty from saving my family from abuse something I went through all my life!" I yelled and then pushed end disconnecting the phone. I felt bad for yelling at him but mad that he was giving me a guilt trip.
"This is crap!" I yelled and went to rub my temples. I had shifted so tommy was now waking up. He rubbed his sleep filled eyes and looked at me.
"What's wrong sissy?" He asked and I just cradled him in my arms and have him a kiss on the head.
"Nothing sweet heart. Just go back to sleep."
"I don't wanna!" Tommy said and sat up in my lap. When we got to Derek's house we all filed out. We got inside and i turned to derek.
"Can we stay here till we figure everything out?" I asked he nodded his head.
"Of course, your family your always welcomed." He said grinning.
"Follow me and I'll show you to your rooms." Derek said and we all started following him.
"Wait rooms? As in plural, we only need one." I said chuckling
"Noo you need at least two dork." He said laughing. He lead us up a flight of stairs and around a few corners. He opened up a room and when I walked inside I gasped. There was two beds that where creamed color in the room. They both had a wall of see through sheets that hung down the sides and a beautiful shimmering material acting as the ceiling over top of the beds. The curtains where a red color and there was a TV mounted on the wall.the carpet was red with cream swirls and designs I you walked farther back there was a bathroom that was the same color with red walls and cream furniture. There was a huge bath and a shower with a toilet in a seperate room and along with the sink. There was a closet back in the main room and it was a walk in closet too!
"Derek it's beautiful!" I said with my hand over my mouth.
"You'll be staying as long as you like princess." He said smiling his cheesy grin.
"Let's get the kiddies to the room." He said and left the beautiful room. We walked a door down and opened the door. Again it was breath taking it was perfect for the kids. There was a small room with a bunk bed and a red and blue dressed. The walls where red and the carpet blue. There was a small TV on the wall and a bunch of toys in small crates along with a walk in closet and then joined to the wall was a doorway that lead into a purple and pink room that had princess themed and bunks beds as well. It was the same as the other room except colors.
"Oh Derek you are always so full of surprises." I said smiling and engulfing him in a hug.
"Anything for my little sister." He said smiling.
"Thank you" I mumbled into his chest once more.
"Of course" he whispered in my ear.
"Now why don't I let my mum handle the kids and if you two freashen up we can go to a party." He said rubbing his hands together.
"Derek I don't know if that's such a good idea." I said
"Stop being a party pooper and go to the party!" He whined giving me a pout lip.
"Fine but tuck that lip in or else a bird will poop on it." I said walking past him and back into our room.
Me and Ruby took turns taking a shower. I went in first so while she was in I was blow drying my hair. I decided to straighten it. When I had it completely straightened it went almost to my lower back. I wore a maroon laced crop top with highwaisted shorts. Apparently his sister had them and we were the same size. With that I wore maroon slip on shoes that had a gold chain wrapping around the top.
I was finally done waiting for Ruby to be done who was curling her hair in small ringlets. She had on a navy blue and white stripped crop top who was again Derek's sisters. She then put on white highwaisted shorts with the same shoes as me but blue.
"Good we are finally done." I sighed in relief and opened the door to see derek standing there. His eyes scanned my body.
"Not like that your not." And he shoved me back in. Ruby popped her head out and they had a conversation out of ear shot.
When she came back in she was grinnin evilly.
"What do you have planned?" I asked eyeing her.
"Makeup." And with that she inched closer to my fearful body.

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