Chapter seven

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We waited in the small waiting room people where filling out papers and a small background noise of voices covered the room. I fiddled with my hands and was chewing on my lip.
"Royal Red." Someone called out. I stood up and made eye contact with the red haired lady that was giving me a small strained smile.
"Here." I waved my hand a bit and felt Derek's hand on my back.
"Well follow me please." She turned around making her green skirt waver. Her black heels clicked on the tiled floor we turned many corners and soon we were at the back of the bright lit hallway and standing in front of a wooden door.
"Mr. Chavez will see you now." The lady spoke, her words plain and she looked bored.
"Thanks." I mumbled.
I moved into his room, I almost stopped completely and my jaw hung open. My eyes where wide and I felt Derek wrap his arm around my torso protectively. Although it kind of hurt. He looked up from his papers and gave me a smile.
"Ahh Mrs. Red very nice to see you." He smiled that charming smile and his dimples popped out.


He smiled at me and put his hand out for me to shake. I wiggled out of Derek's grip and latched onto his hand feeling warmth and prickles go up my arm. Yet a good kind of prickle. Yet with all that warmth and secruity it was also very cold. The feeling he gave off was warm but his actual hand was freezing.
I quickly shook my hand away from his and wiped it on my jeans. I sat down in the chair and noticed that Andrew was starring behind me. Looking back I saw Derek standing there with his lips in a thin line and him looking extremely pissed off.
"Derek?" I asked placing an arm on him. His head snapped down to me.
"Uh sorry I need some fresh air." He mumbled
"Are you alright?" I asked him.
"Yes just get this resolved I'll be in the car." With that he turned around and stomped out. Well that was weird.
I turned my attention back to Andrew whose hands where folded together and his face studying me.
"Why are you here today?" He asked me.
I quickly got professional trying to stop myself from starring and drooling all over his desk.
"On concern of my family... It has to do with my father." I said and he arched an eyebrow making his expression look confused but his eyes told me he already knew and his jaw clenched slightly while his hands whitened. Most people wouldn't realize this but I watched a lot of case solving shows.
"Explain please?" He asked me and I took in a big breath.
"Well my father beats us." His facial expression held shock but his eyes where more than that.. Was it anger?
"When did this start? How many children are involved in this?" He asked me his teeth gritting together.
"Well I'm an orphan." This time he gave me a questioned look and opened his mouth to speak but I quickly put a finger up telling him I wasn't done.
"I was adopted by this kind family me and my un biological sister. They're is seven kids counting me. T started once the wife died. You see im eighteen so I dropped out of highschool and began to work and when he gets angry he comes home and beats me, he never touched the other kids. But he beat me and one day I came home to him beating my sister. My friend was there and knocked the guy out. He kicked me out of the house and now I'm here in terms of getting them out of the house and into my legal possession. I dont want them in a foster care facility." I said looking him dead in the eye and watching his emotions flicker to different ones. Finally at the end he was chewing on his lip.
"I am going to have to report this and I don't know if They will let you keep them it isn't up to me." He said and I knew instantly this was a mistake, I should of never came here or opened my mouth.
"Thank you for your time, that's all I needed to hear this was a mistake im sorry for wasting your time." I got up and made my way to the door. My hand was on the door knob when I heard him talk to me.
"Wait, royal... There may be something I can do... Just stay and let me make a few phone calls." He said sighing. I turned around and saw him run a hand through his hair.
I sat back down and looked at him with pleading eyes.
"Since you are ejghteen we need evidence that you aren't lying but I will call the officials to get him out of the house. Do you have any evidence royal?" He asked me.
I nodded my head thinking back to the beatings he gave me just a few days ago. I had bruises I could show him.
Andrews P.O.V.
I was in shock of what that cruel man had done to my soul mate... My other half. I wanted to tear him to shreds but if I did that I would deffinately scare my little royal away. I could always do it at night and make it look like a suicide... That would work. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice royal was slipping her shirt off of her head. I looked up at her my eyes going directly to her boobs. (Which where quiet big by the way.)
"Mrs. Red... Please what are-" I stopped mid sentence when I saw her ribs. They where black and purple and it ran from her sternum to her bottom rib. I got up the anger coarsing through my veins. Before I knew what I was doing I was running my fingers over her bruise. She gasped at first and then leaned into my touch. It must of felt cooling or calming because she closed her eyes. As soon as my hand was off of her, her eyes flew open and a small pout was on her lips.
"Sorry." I mumbled
"No I'm sorry." She said her voice barely above a whisper.
"Is there any more of these?" I asked her.
"Well he hit my head against the wall but that was basically it." She said and it made me want to kill him.
She slipped her shirt over her head and then looked at me. Waiting for my next move.
"Well I'll make a few phone calls." I said slumping back down in my chair.
"Wait... Andrew there is more." She said quietly. When I looked at her she had her eyes focused on the ground and her hands where fumbling.
"Yes?" I asked her.
"He said if I told any one... He... He would.. Um he'd kill my sister..." She said she looked so broken and helpless just then. It made my heart want to break. But I quickly stood up and stood next to her just feeling her warmth radiating off of her.
"It's okay, we can figure this out."
"Thank you Andrew." She said and leaned in. I gave her an awkward hug and then she was out the door.

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