Chapter fourteen

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I stared in his eyes for the longest time, we were searching eachothers faces for emotion and his hands lightly touched my hips and he seemed to rub soft circles into them with his cold hands.
"I need sleep... I am mortal if you haven't noticed." I said sighing and pushing his hands away from me.
"But that's the thing... Nah never mind." He looked down and folded his hands. I went over to the bed and crawled in it. He was at the door in seconds.
"Goodnight." He said and the door creaked closed leaving only a bit of light from the hallway to stream into the room. The door wasnt completely closed but it was close. I sighed melting into the covers. Everything felt perfect at the moment. I was out of an abusive home, my family was safe... And now I may have a shot at even meaning something to someone. I laid my head on the pillow looking up at the ceiling.
The hostess at the orphanages words rang in my head, life is like a puzzle, your confused until the piece slips into place. I let my eyes close and the feeling of happiness settle in. It was the best sleep I've had for a long time.
Waking up with birds chirping is a wonderful thing. I stretched out on the comfy but and then snuggled deeper into the swamp of covers. There was a knock at the door and I sat straight up looking around me. This wasn't Derek's room this was a different room. My head hurt like crazy and my heart thumped in my chest. The door slid open and in slipped a handsome man. He had dark hair, pale skin and blue eyes. They pierced my soul just looking in them.
"Andrew... What am I doing in this bed?" I asked holding my head from the constant pounding of it.
"You don't remember anything?" He asked his voice as smooth as silk.
I shook my head and furrowed my eyebrows. Andrew sat on the bed and with his cold finger smoothed out the crinkles in my forehead.
"The party?" He asked his face coming closer to mine and his hand cupping my cheek.
"My secret." He mumbled against the oppisite cheek that he wasn't holding. Then it all tumbled back. Everything that we had talked about what that guy had done to me, everything. I drew in a shaky breath and swatted his hand off of me giving his chest a small shove.
"Ah so now you remember." A small smirk laid lazily on his lips. I just nodded slightly.
"I want you to get ready and I'll send someone to give you a tour and then I will introduce you to my coven and then we will head out on our date." He smiled and got up from the bed gracefully. He exited the room quietly without any patter of feet. I however shoved the blanket away and leaned out to stand up. However my feet where still tangled in the blanket and I fell on my face with a loud thud. The door clicked open and I looked up to see Andrew biting his lip to keep from laughing.
"Shut up." I hissed out my voice groggy. He just nodded and left the room leaving me to get ready. Sitting up I managed to get untangled and walk into what I was only assuming was the bathroom. Opening the door I fumbled for the light and when it turned on i gasped. This was so not the bathroom. Instead this was a bedroom sized closet. Filled with dresses and suits. Well I guess I am going to be picking out my outfit first. I decided on Dark blue Capri's that had white fading, tan Toms, and a lace shirt that had a under shirt that was black. Finding my way out of the small closet I then made my way to the bathroom. Rolling my eyes at how big it was I went straight to the shower and cranked it to hot peeling my clothes off my body. I then got in and scrubbed the alcohol, dirt and grim away from my skin. There where claw/teeth marks on my chest leading to my lower stomach and it stung under the hot water. There was a small line of blood that mixed with the water. When I got out i dried off my body that was now stained red from the heat and blow dried my hair. I did tight curls that went down my back and small make up. When I got out there was a woman sitting there. She had blonde hair that was tied up with a green ribbon and she wore a forest green made outfit.
"Hello miss, I am your slave, I will help you in anyway possible." She gave me a discreet glare but I managed to catch it.
I choked on my air.
"Slave?" I asked I thought people had ruled out slaves I guess that didn't apply to vampires.
"Yes? Master Andrew has over 200 slaves." She kept her head down avoiding eye contact.
"I will show you around the house now." She said and stood up.
"No I want you to take me to Andrew." I stated.
"But master said take you around the house."
I sighed.
"Did you not say you where my slave?" I asked she nodded
"Then you shall follow my orders, please take me to Andrew." I said and she bowed her head walking out of the room. We walked down a small hallway till we got to a sitting room. She pulled a lever next to the fire place and an entrance opened. I'll have to keep that in mind. We walked down the fire lit stone hallway. It smelt musky and out foot steps echoed.
When we came into the light we were in front of a wooden door. I didn't even knock if I some how completed him he would listen to me. Walking in I had my hands on my hips but my mouth was slightly agap and my eyes widened. A girl with a sack over her head was pressed against a wall with a male that had brown hair that hung down near his waste was draining her.... Literaly.
"A-Andrew..." I whispered.
His head whipped to me.
"I can explain." He said immidiatly.
A/N: okay guys :) I love it when you comment so vote and comment ❤️❤️😘👍🙈

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2015 ⏰

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