Chapter five

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When I was making my way over to Derek's house I couldn't help but feel scared and nervous for the safety of the kids. I felt like a mother who just failed at keeping them safe. They where my life... My only family.
When walking I saw a man across from me, I quickly recognized him. It was the nerd from the store. Except he didn't have his glasses on. His jaw was chiseled and he wore a grey fitted T shirt that pressed nicely to his skin. It defined the nice abs he had going on under there. He wore a beanie and his hair looked like he just woke up and ran a hand through it. Yet it looked attractive on him. He wore blue faded jeans with his hands shoved in his pockets. His whole appearance took my breath away. While I was checking him out I hadn't realized that I had stopped walking and was now fully observing him like a stalker would.
He had stopped walking too and when my eyes traveled back up I was met with his blue ones. Except they weren't the exotic glowing bright blue ones, now they where deep blue lagoons that could suck you under at any moment.
He was stunning but dangerous.
While taking in his appearance I wanted to just lick him up and eat him. I never felt that way about a guy before. Much less a person. A small tint of pink shaded my cheeks and I felt my ears heat up from getting caught red handed. I was about to turn away and start walking again but his face lit up and he started walking to me from across the street.
When he finally got to me his lips pulled up into a smile that showed off his pearly white teeth. He had two dimples that popped out and crinkles that showed next to his eyes. His black hair swooped in front of his eyes almost hiding them.
"Funny running into you here." He said his voice was as smooth and rich as a chocolate truffle
"Yeah well I'm just going to a friends house." Why did I just share that information with a complete stranger?
"Listen, I want to apologize about Joey, he didn't know what he was doing and the harm it could do. He knows better knowing that your my s- um s..such a great person... I don't know that but I'm sure you could be. Man I just totally blew this didn't i?" He stuttered a tinge of pink masking his cheeks as he scratched the back of his neck avoiding eye contact.
"We were never introduced, my names Andrew." He stuck out his hand giving me his smile again.
"Royal, nice to meet you." I said completely astonished. He just chewed on his lip which I found extremely attractive. I just wanted to pounce on him... Wow I had never thought of a boy like that. What was I thinking. I needed to get away from him.
"I have to go." I said squirming under his gaze.
"Well here have my number, maybe we could go get coffee or something." He said taking out a note card. Wow he had his own personalized cards... He was way out of my league.
I nodded my head and took the slip from him walking away. My cheeks where still as red as can be but my mind raced of thoughts. I took a quick peek back at him and saw he was still watching me.
My feet lead the way to Derek's house and when I was at his doorstep I knocked on the door.
when the door opened there stood josh, Derek's brother. His eyes where filled with sleep and his hair was messy. He had only a shirt and his briefs on. I quickly dismissed my gaze to look at the floor.
He just smirked knowing he looked good even when he just woke up. He was arrogant and cocky.
"I know you like the view royal." He said leaning against the door frame.
"Joshua let me in." I spoke lamely.
"What if I don't?" He smirked
I just pushed past him and started walking up the stairs. I knew my way around the house pretty good because I was always here when I wasn't working, or protecting the children. Opening Derek's door I flung the small backpack I had taken across the room and climbed into bed with my sleeping friend. I snuggled up against him and let the covers suffocate me.
When I was first adopted and started school we had met. I told him everything about my past and he listened and comforted me. We became best friends and even tried to date one time but it didn't work out and it was just awkward so we vowed never to do it again. When I dropped out of school he was the only one who stuck by me and corrected the rumors that had went around school. Most of them said I was pregnant. Yet I was only working a job to give us money.
Derek's arm wrapped around me and pulled me into his torso. His head snuggled in the back of my shoulder blades.
"Why are you here on this lovely day dandelion?" He asked me his voice muffled from my back.
"He threw me out..." I said with sorrow in my voice.
I will not cry, I will not cry, I refuse to cry. My subconscious kept telling me.
"What?!?" Derek's head flew up. I turned around so I was facing him.
"He said I was a disappointment to him and he raised me wrong... Told me never to come back." I whimpered and he pulled me into his chest. I don't know why but Derek was always warm and comforting. I gripped his shirt and bit my lip to make me not cry.
"This is all my fault." Derek mumbled
"Derek... I have a plan." I gulped and held him tighter already missing my loving family... Besides David.
I looked up into Derek's eyes after pulling away.
"What is it?" He asked

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