Chapter four

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*his prospective*
When I had walked into that hard ware store I was hit with the best sent in the world. It smelt like raspberries and vanilla. I knew right there she was my soulmate... You see I have a large secret. I'm not human... Shhh you can't tell anyone!
When I walked in he smell disguised her. She didn't smell like my kind or a were but she didn't smell human either. It threw me off. As soon as our eyes connected I knew she was an angel sent from heavan. I just wanted to hold her and shower her with kisses. But I knew it wasn't that simple. I knew that she wouldn't understand.
So I stood there in the back peering at her through my nerd glasses and the wall of hair I had. She had the same color hair as me with pale skin. Her eyes where a black color and her nose was thin. Yet she had plump lips and long eyelashes. She didn't need any makeup because she was perfect without it.
My friend Joey went up to her and started to make snarky comments. I could tell she was uncomfortable which made my blood boil. I hated that he was treating her with such little respect.
When he called her a freak I lost control.
I warned him once. He didn't stop, I warned him twice and he got mad at me, wrong decision... He knew I was in control. He knew he wasn't the one that should be talking back so I swung my fist at his jaw. My friends stood there silent while she just looked big eyed at my actions. Joey stumbled back and looked surprised but then it glazed over with a glare.
"What the h-" he didn't get to finish because a large man came over.
"Is there a problem?" He asked. Her eyes pleaded for help from him and I grew jealous.
I could smell that he was a were. I could smell it before I stepped foot in here. I knew he smelt us too because when she turned away and ran off he gave us a snarl.
"Scram you lame life suckers." He growled then he spun on his heel and followed after her.
He was about 6'4" dishwater blonde hair with the occasional brown streaks in it. He had bright blue eyes and cheek bones that stuck out a mile away. Some guys would be jealous but it just made me feel more confident. I knew I looked better than him.
"What was that!" I hissed at him.
"She was just a scrawny human I was planning on taking her youth. Who gives?" Joey snapped back
"You know better than to talk back to me." I growled
"Yeah well what's it to you, you never stopped killing a human before." He smirked and pushed my shoulders but I didn't budge. I had a stronger line of blood than him and he should know better than not messing with me.
"She didn't smell human..." I snarled.
Just then I heard the pitter patter of feet on the side walk and my head snapped in her direction. Our eyes met and I felt my body being covered with warmth... That was new to me.
He pushed me again and I turned back to him.
"What's your problem? She was just a freak anyways what's it to you?" Joey asked
"She is not a freak! She is my soul mate!" My voice boomed over his and his eyes glazed over with fear.
"I'm so sorry Andrew I didn't mean to please forgive me!" He said getting on his knees asking for forgiveness.
I then smelt the were. I looked up and saw him jogging after the girl. In the way he walked you could tell it was an emergency and I was nervous for what was wrong.
I needed to see her again.
"Go back to the house and I'll be there soon, I have to check some stuff out first." I ordered and they all obliged... They looked like lost puppy's running away with there tails between they're legs.
I heard a blood curdling scream and using my senses I followed the guy to where he had ran off to. Peering inside I saw the weres hands wrapped around a man that smelt of alcohol. He was limp in his arms and my soul mate had her hands prying his hands off the Lo mans neck. Finally he slumped to the ground a look of terror in her eyes as she muttered the words.
"What have you done?"
The weres eyes had flashed to me but the moment our sight connected I was gone and back into my safe home where he couldn't track me sent.

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