Chapter six

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After telling him my plan he looked at me like o was crazy.
"That is the most Absurd plan I have ever heard... Although if your crazy enough... It may just work." Derek said pursing his lips. We were in his tree house at the moment. Sitting across from eachother munching on peanuts.
"Problem is I need money... And a place to stay until it all works out." I said chewing on my lip.
"That's what best friends are for. Don't worry I have loads of money." He said smiling and his eyes twinkled. Derek's father was in some management business along with his mother. It was like a family one but they never let me in on what it was.
My mind changed over to other topics and a picture of Andrew popped up in my mind. I smiled at the thought and played with the shell of my peanut.
"Hey Derek..." I said biting on my lip still.
"Yes dandelion." He said grinning at me while munching on his peanut.
"Do you believe in soul mates and love?" I asked
"Do you believe in love..." He sang but abruptly stopped after the line of that song...
"That's all I know.." He put on a pout referring to the song.
"Be serious!" I said throwing my peanut so it hit him in the forehead. He playfully glared at me and rubbed the spot where it hit.
"Why does my dandelion have a lover boy." He mocked
"Well I wouldn't call him a lover boy... But I think I like him." I said smiling down at the floor boards.
"Oooh tell me everything!" He said and sat crisscrosses looking like a five year old about to hear a story.
"Answer my question first." I said smiling.
"Well I guess ya, I mean if there wasn't love in the world it'd be full of hate and nothing would be fun." He said
"Now who is the lucky fella?" He said giving me a cheesy grin.
"His name is Andrew... He was one of the guys from the hardware store." I said smiling
I looked at him with a bit of anger and confusion.
"Just because I tell you my true feelings don't mean you have to insult him!" I said crossing my arms.
"Sorry... We don't get along that good." He mumbled
"Why what happened? How do you know eachother?" I asked
"It was a long time ago... It has to do with our relatives." He said
Sensing that he was uncomfortable I didn't push him.
"I need to go to the agency or where ever I go." I said standing up and brushing the imaginary dust off of me. I gave him a hand and he took it. With all my mite I tried to lift him off the ground. The end result was me back on the ground on my butt and his standing up. He chuckled and bent down. He wrapped his arms around my middle making me squirm.
"Stop! Derek put my down!" I laughed as he threw me over his shoulder and slid down the pole of the tree house.
He walked inside with me beating on his back.
"Derek im serious!" I shouted and people begin to pop they're heads out of the rooms.
He took me upstairs and plopped me down on his comfy rug.
"Go get in the shower and then I'll tell you where we are going okay?" Derek said and I quickly nodded. I used his shower trying to use as least make products as possible.
He really needs some women products in here. I thought to myself.
I soon was out of the shower with my hair in a wet pony tail. I wore one of Derek's baggy tops with skinny jeans and my converse. When I walked out Derek was leaning against the doorframe downstairs and chatting with his mum. When he looked up at me he gave me a disapproving look.
"If you are going to be convincing a man of buissness you have to look decent, and wearing one of my tops isnt decent!" He said rubbing his temple.
"Well what am I gonna wear...? One of your tuxses?" I asked lamely.
"No..." He looked lost in thought and then his face lit up.
"We will go shopping!" He squealed like a girl.
"... Seriously?" I asked groaning.
"Yep!" I walked down stairs and he grabbed me by the elbow leading me out of the house.
"Bye mum!" Derek yelled shoving me into the car. I was still mad about him making me go shopping. So basically the whole way there I was pouting.
"Would you cheer up?" He asked me glaring.
"Nope." He just sighed and turned up the music.
After an hour or so of hair pulling, waxing, crimping, and squeezing. We finally got me molded into the perfect shape. I was waddling my way to the door a small pout on my lip following behind Derek.
"Would you calm down... You look like a fricken penguin!" He said chuckling.
"Can't... Breath!" I said gasping.
I was shoved into a grey skirt that was mid thigh and clung to my body. It matched with black flats and a black stretchy belt that wrapped around the small of my back and front. I then had a cream white top that was ruffled at the chest part and had short sleeves. My hair was curled and it nearly reached the bottom of my back in soft spirales. My makeup was done up and I felt completely like a Barbie doll.
When we were walking out I saw Andrew... His hair was styled up with gel so it was spiked at the front. He had a black button down top that opened at the top and showed off his pale chest. He wore black faded jeans with him looking concentrated on the phone. He looked angry but when he looked up and our eyes matched his jaw dropped... Mine was already dropped and drooling.
"Royal? Is that you.." He asked his eyes wide.
"Yeah..." I breathed out.
"You look... Astonishing... I mean woah.." He said a smile breaking out on his face.
"Same goes for you." I smiled and bit my lip.
I heard a growl erupt and I looked to my side seeing Derek glaring at Andrew.
I put a hand on Derek's arm but he didn't pay me any mind. There was a glazed look in his eyes and his eyes seemed to turn almost pitch black. I looked back at Andrew and his was the same.
"Don't touch her..." Derek growled. Then it was silent. I gasped at them.
"You guys are acting like eight year olds, just because some stupid ancestors of yours did something terrible to eachother like one hundred years ago doesn't mean you need to carry out the tradition!" I yelled.
They both looked at me and they're eyes seemed to flash back to blue. Did I imagine them having black eyes? I shook it off and crossed my arms over my chest.
"I must bid you adieu." Andrew said and walked away carrying on his convo on the phone.
"What the h-" I started.
"Aye, language!" He pointed a finger at me.
"What the heck was that!" I yelled at him.
"None of your concern." Derek grabbed my arm and started to walk off to the car with me being dragged behind.
Deciding to ignore whatever happened back there i focused on the matter at hand... Getting my family back.

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