Chapter eight

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Well that was awkward. as I made my way out of his office I couldn't help but feel calmed and soothed by the way his cold hands stroked my skin. It felt as if the world stopped and it was just us, it felt so pleasurable and he was just touching my side. After the awkward hug I started to make it down the hall.
"Oh wait royal," called Andrew
"Yes?" I turned around and smacked my head on Andrews chest. I stumbled back holding my nose
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that." He mumbled
"Are you alright." He asked me his hand slipped under my chin and tilted my head towards him so I was looking into his eyes. They where so beautiful like to orbs and I was sucked into them. I felt my breath get caught in my throat.
"Um yeah I'm fine." I stepped back and coughed. Trying to cover up my blush that has formed over my cheeks. He chuckled and reached into his pocket digging around.
He gave me a card.
"Call me tomorrow and I will tell you everything that has happened okay?" I nodded my head and quickly turned around. I made my way through the narrow hallways and went out to find Derek's car. What was with him anyways? I wondered to myself. I opened his truck door to see him sitting there looking at me while his thumbs drummed nervously on the steering wheel.
"Howed it go?" He asked me chewing on his lip. He looked adorable.
"Good he said to call him tomorrow and everything will be settled, I might need to take out and extra loan though to keep the kids in school or get another job." I said sighing.
"No need, you are family to me I'll give you however much you need."
I looked at him in shock, I couldn't accept it. No way could I possibly accept a generous offer like that.
"Derek, I can't!" I said
"You can and you will." He said matter of factly. I placed a hand over my heart and kissed his cheek. He then gave a disgusted look and wiped my kiss off.
"Ew! Cooties!!!" He said and I just rolled my eyes at him... He can be such a dork sometimes. When we started driving off I couldn't help but think about Andrews touch on my skin. It just felt so right.
"What happened between your ancestors that makes you hate Andrew so bad." I asked him shyly. His hands gripped the steering wheel.
"You don't have to answer I was just wondering." I said the disappointment leaking out.
He sighed. "Well you see back in the oldie days our ancestors held land. We were two very different cultures people. They came from England and moved to America and we were native to the land, yes I'll tell you my story some other day okay? Anyways, we were powerful beings and believed in trade and equality where they where cheap and always trying to twist our words. Well we had boundries to our land and they had them on theres. We didn't ever go on THERES because we gave our word. Until one day a teenage boy came into our land and killed a young woman and baby, that was Andrews oldern grandparents. Way back ones. That's started a war and we vowed never to communicate with there beings again." He said running a hand through his hair and glancing at me everyonce in a while."
"Well it was a cruel thing what he did but it was what? Thousands of years ago? You should really learn when to let a grudge go." I said
"I took a vow okay!" He said gripping the steering wheel again.
"I thought your ancestors took the vow." Now he was just being confusing. His eyes widened a bit and he gulped.
"They did, I didn't mean I well I did I only meant that I meaning our whole family ansestors included." He stumbled on his words.
"Your such a dork." I said chuckling and we finally got to the house I hopped out.
"I have a preposition to ask of you." I said when we were finally out of the truck.
"What is it?" He asked
"I need to go back home to check on my little people and I need you to come with me for protection." He sighed but only nodded.
When we pulled up to my broken home I slowly climbed out. When I got inside I was careful to be quiet incase David was home. When I got to the door of my room I slowly opened it to see Ruby asleep. She had no new bruises but she was asleep at like one in the afternoon. I sat on her bedside gently shaking her side.
Her eyes fluttered open. "Good morning sunshine." I said smiling. She threw her arms around me.
"Royal! I'm so glad your here!" She said smiling when she pulled back.
"Has anything happened to you since you've been here?" I asked I grabbed her wrists and looked at them seeing she was clean from cutting, but she then pulled up her shirt to see a long black bruise that wraped around her midsection.
"Oh princess what did he do..." I said having my hand linger at my mouth and my other hand on my chest.
"It's not even the worst part, he hit tommy, his own flesh and blood." She said tears forming.
"Are all the kids here? And is David gone?" I asked she nodded
"They are taking a nap and David is out drinking." She said
"Follow me." I went up and into the kids room. Scooping up tommy in my arms I felt him immidiatly cuddle into me. I woke up Jessie and he was sleepily holding onto my hand.
"You go wake the girls." I said to Ruby who scurried away.
I looked down at my sleeping angel to see a small bruise shadowed under his eye. I leaned down and kissed it better.
"You will be alright." I whispered and when I looked up I saw Ruby had the kids. We walked downstairs only for the door to open up to reveal a drunk David.

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