Chp. 4: teasing is fun

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Atsumu's POV:

"Agh Fuckkk!"
Akaashi groaned clutching his hip. A stupid wannabe skater ran into him on purpose and hit Akaashi hard in the hip.

Sugawara and Shirabu were now yelling at the guy. The guy looks absolutely terrified.

"Don't you know any better?!"
"Wtf is wrong with you!?"
"Get tf out before you get hurt!"

The guy ran out terrified.

Kenma was treating Akaashi's wound. A giant bruise was visible and I was assisting Kenma.

Oikawa grabbed a chair to sit Akaashi down and many people came up to us asking if owl was okay. Akaashi responded with a smile and all the guys and girls swooned.

"Even when you're in pain you look handsome."
Tendou said causing us to giggle.

After Kenma finished up wrapping and disinfecting Akaashi's wound we decided we should just hang out and talk to people.

Tendou put on some music and everybody started dancing and singing. Well except for the group of newcomers.

I went to the side to grab some water again.

Akaashi lumped over to me and held himself up with my shoulders.
Akaashi smirked and I raised a brow.

He grabbed the bottle and splashed it all over my chest.
Cold water dripped down my chest and he started laughing.

Everybody's attention was averted to us and I frowned.

"What do you think you're doing Kaashi?!"
I whisper yelled.

"Obviously mister curly has a thing for you. He has been eyeing you for the past hour. The bastard isn't subtle."
Akaashi winked.

Giggles and squeels were heard and I internally groaned.

I scrunched my nose up in disgust and rolled my eyes.

"Your injury made you delusional."

Akaashi chuckled lowly and we were soon joined by Tendou.

"What do you guys think of my awesome playlist today?"
Tendou asked slinging his arms around our shoulders.

Akaashi grunted lowly and Tendou back away immediately.

"Oh I'm sorry!"
Tendou yelled of apologizing.

Akaashi waved it off with a smile.

"Well I think you could throw some more Nicki Minaj in there ya know? I want to hear Rich Sex at least once this evening."
I said.

I'm the biggest Nicki Minaj Stan along with my friends.
Akaashi nodded agreeing with my immaculate taste.

Tendou nodded in agreement and started going on about new music he found but was soon interrupted by his name being called over.

"Hey Tendou!"
A grey haired guy with black tips yelled signing Tendou to come over.

Me and Akaashi looked at his direction. I accidentally made Eye contact with Sakusa and quickly turned my head to the ground. Akaashi did the same. The only difference was the blush coating his cheek.

"Ohoohohho what do we have here? The Almighty Akaashi Keiji who is immune to everybody's charms is flustered?"
I teased quirking up a brow.

"W-what? N-no."
His stuttering reflecting the opposite of his words.

I giggled and he slapped my back causing me to choke on my spit. He started laughing and I glared at him.

Tendou's POV:

I started sweating a bit as Semi Semi called me over.
I noticed him earlier but decided to act like I didn't.

I knew Shirabu hated him with a passion, but me being a sucker for an enemies to lovers BL story decided to set them up.

Well this wasn't part of my plan...
I didn't want to involve Shirabu's secret in my matchmaking. This is gonna be harder than I thought.

"Tendou I didn't know you come to these type of things."
Semi said with a slight smile.

I could feel Shirabu's eyes burning the back of my head.

"Well... this is an illegal place so you aren't supposed to just tell anyone..."
I chuckled nervously.
I know which question was about to come but decided to keep smiling, acting like I wasn't sweating buckets.

"Hm I see. How do you know those people?"
Semi asked surprising me a bit.

"Well...I've known them for a long time... I met them here..."
What a lie
I thought to myself but somehow managed to make it believable.

"Mhm I see. Well meet my friends."
Semi pointed over to his friends who were all standing there with their arms crossed.
I gulped.

"Nice to meet you I'm Tendou Satori."
I waved at them acting like nothing was wrong.
I had heard many stories about Atsumu's brother. The main source of course being Atsumu himself.
But they can't know that.

"Osamu Miya nice to meet you."
He lightly smiled at me pulling his..boyfriend?, I assume closer.

"I'm Daichi Sawamura, pleasure to meet you!"
He gave me one of those dad smiles. I chuckled internally and gazed at the next one in line.

"Bokuto Kotarou!"
He excitedly said.

I smiled at him and was now looking at a guy who looked like he just erupted from his bed.

"Kuroo Testurou."
He said with just a small tug at his lip.

"Iwaizumi Hajime."
This guy however had no smile at all and was avoiding my gaze.

"Sakusa Kiyoomi."
And this one...was staring right in my eyes, with a nasty glare.

I chuckled nervously and averted my gaze back to Semi Semi.

"Well good seeing you Semi Semi! I'll see you at school!"
I quickly said but got hold back by a strong grip on my wrist.

"Now now...why the hurry? Hiding something?"
Semi said quirking up an eyebrow.

This was the one thing I hated about Semi. He was crazy good at reading people. When people were lying to him... he knew. When people were nervous... he knew.

So this wasn't a good position to be in at the moment...

"What ofc not!"
I fake smiled. His smirk disappeared and he frowned.

"Satori!!! You know I hate it when you lie to me."
Semi whined and I got even more nervous.

"Why Don't you introduce us to your friends?"
Semi asked with a smile.
His question gained the interest of the other boys and I scratched my neck awkwardly.

"I-uh I don't think that's a good idea..."
I slowly back away from him and he frowned.

"Mhm okay then. See you at school then Satori. And if you see Shirabu again tell him to stop avoiding me!"
The subject change made me rest a bit easier.

"Sure. He hates you you know... why are you trying to hard?"
I asked with a smirk.

He scoffed and averted his gaze to a random someone.

"Tsk. I'm not trying hard. That brat just gets on my nerves. His arrogant attitude isn't something I'm fond of."
He said sternly with a burning gaze.

I giggled and patted his shoulder.
"Now now Sem Semi no need to get all hot and bothered with our little Shirabaeee~~~"
I said teasingly and he huffed.

I giggled again and skipped back over to my friends.

Oof that was close.
Thank you for everyone who is still reading!✨
It means a lot!❤️👄❤️
Also if you have any requests please let me know in a private message!😙🤌

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