Chp. 35.1: it restarted with a lighter

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Sakusa's pov:

My heart beat accelerated exponentially as I saw the bundle of bleached blonde hair walking towards the smoking area of the building.

Iwaizumi who was walking behind me put a hand on my shoulder and gave me a weak smile.
"Go after him."
I gulped and quickly made work out of following him.

I felt the nerves inside of me growing as I approached the black door with the cigarette label.
I grabbed my own pack of cigarettes and my Fox themed lighter and opened the door to the balcony.

There he stood, his back turned towards me as he was about to grab a nicotine filled stick from his pack.
He seemed to be deep in thought when he didn't turn around to look at the new person who joined him.

The balcony reminded me of the night he left and the memory which I replayed in my mind every time missing him became somewhat unbearable.
Fairy lights illuminated the balcony which created a romantic atmosphere along with the purple wisterias which were growing on the balcony above the one we were standing on.

He put the cigarette between he lips and fiddled around his pockets to find his lighter but apparently was struggling to do so.
I just stood behind him, admiring his side profile and existence.

I gathered my courage and opened the top of my lighter, making a warm, orange hue flame appear from it. I held it in front of his cigarette as I took some steps forward to stand beside him.
His sparkling honey eyes widened slightly as the gesture took him by surprise.
His gaze ran from the lighter all the way towards my shoulder to then end at my face.
My heart tightened as I waited for any reaction. Any sign of acknowledgement.

His lips went apart in shock which caused for the cigarette to fall on the ground, leaving him gaping at me with the cutest gaze I've ever had the privilege of witnessing.
I hesitantly closed the lighter and put it in the pocket of my slacks, gulping again as I wanted to start a conversation, but before I could do so I was tackled in a hug.
In the next moment I was with my back against the wall and him straddling me as he squeezed his arms around my neck.

The warmth I had longed for for 5 years had finally returned and I could feel the same butterflies and knots roaming my stomach as I did back then.
I wrapped my arms around his waist and tucked my face in his neck, scared of having to let him go again.

"I kept my promise Omi. Please tell me you've been waiting for me to keep it?"
He retracted from the hug, keeping our faces at a close distance. His honey gaze was melting all of my troubles with the way it swooned me.
My black olive irises made contact with his and in that moment i couldn't ask for anything else, just us, gazing at each other the same way we did that night he had to leave.

"I've been anticipating the day you'd come to fulfill it for 5 years straight."
His lips turned upwards in a sweetness filled smile, I couldn't help but return it.

"Don't you dare leave me now."
He warned me, nosing my cheeks with a slight sultry look, one that still held playfulness and affection.

"There's no way I'm making the same mistakes from 5 years ago. This time I'm not giving you a reason to doubt me."
He traced my cheekbones with his thumbs delicately.

"Good, because you're not getting rid of me now Sakusa Kiyoomi."

"I wouldn't dare desire anything else Atsumu Miya."
I'm determined to finish the book by the end of summer 🫡 This book won't be that long anymore I'm estimating around 10 chapter more until the end since I'm gonna focus more on the rekindling of Bokuaka, Semishira and ofc Iwaoi.
Not forgetting our new characters ofc🤭🤭
I'm excited for the future.

Next chapter is gonna be angsty so I hope y'all loved getting fed with the sweetness🫢

Love you stay happy and healthy, M

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