Chapter 7

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Friday Late Afternoon (Halloween)

"Ali, I'm here!" I yelled as I entered her house

"Come on up! I'm in my room!" She yelled back. I greeted her parents and then made my way up to her room.

"Girly we need to talk" I told her

"Why what's up?"

"The deal. The way I've been keeping track we're tied at 4 to 4. So I guess tonight since I'm going to the dance with Johnny, that means I win"

"That's not how I've been keeping track of it. In my head it's 6 to 3 and I'm winning."

"How could you possibly be making more progress than me?"

"Well because me and Daniel started had to actually start from square one. You and Johnny were already kinda a couple."

"That's not fair! That means it's harder for us to get points"

"That's not my fault! You agreed to the terms y/n!"

"Fine! I'll go from your scoring and I'll still beat you."

"The only way you could even catch up is if you dance together, and kiss by the end of the night. And even then you'd still be at 5 points."

I sat and thought for a minute. "What if we dance together, kiss, and then I go to his house tonight. Then we'd be tied, which means neither of us would win."

"You wouldn't"

"Yeah I would. I would purposely make us tie"

"No, I mean you would sleep with him just for our bet?!"

"Well it wouldn't just be for our bet. I do really like him and as long as he's ok with it, then yeah."

"Aww, I didn't know you guys were serious like that. Y'all are cute."

"Thanks Ali. You and Daniel are cute too. Not as cute as us but still cute."

"You had to go and ruin a nice moment"

"I didn't ruin anything!"

"You did but it's ok. Susan and Barbara are on their way."

"Ok cool. What do you wanna do until they get here?"

"Wanna watch a movie?"

"Yeah sure. I'm gonna go shower first."

"Alright. I'll pick a movie while you're in there"

"Thank you angel"

"Of course" she said. I showered and when I finished we started The Breakfast Club until the girls came. When they got there it was 6 and the dance starts at 6:45. We all did our hair and makeup then changed into our costumes. I curled my hair and did a Smokey eye with a red lip. Susan was a fairy, Barbara was a witch (as she should), and Ali was an angel of course. Since me and Ali's costumes go together, that'd make me the devil. Aw it's so cute! I look smoking hot!

 Aw it's so cute! I look smoking hot!

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