Chapter 25

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⚠️Warning ⚠️ this chapter will contain smut. If you're uncomfortable you can skip this chapter and I will recap anything important in the next chapter. I hope you guys like! It's my first time writing this so be nice. Also there won't be any signals to let you know when it's starting just because I feel like it messes up the flow. Just be mentally prepared for it when you see the word dessert

Without further ado, I present to you: sMuT


Today was the day of the midterm for English and I was a little bit nervous. Me, Susan, and the boys with the exception of Tommy were studying really hard for the past two days to get a good grade. Tommy hasn't been studying with us because his class doesn't have to take it. Believe it or not Tommy actually takes ap level English. He's really smart, he just never shows it. All the guys are very smart. They just act like bumbling idiots majority of the time.

"Y/n" Johnny whispered, while we sat in mr. Brown's class, waiting to take the exam. He wasn't here yet so we still had to chat.


"I'm nervous"

"Don't be. We got this" I encouraged 

"I'm gonna fail"

"No you're not. We've been studying for this, it'll be fine."

"I'm probably going to get a F"

"How bout this, if you get an 80 or higher, I'll take you out on a date."

"You're gonna take me out? That's supposed to my job"he said

"Well I'm stealing your job. Get an 80 and we'll go out for dinner"

Just as I finished my sentence, Mr. Brown walked into class. "Class, I hope you all are well prepared for today. After discussing with the other teachers, we decided to cut the essay from the test. The entire test will be completed on scantron so your grades will be posted in the lecture hall by the end of the day. Any talking during the exam will result in an automatic 0 no if, and, buts about it. Any cheating will result in an automatic 0 and a two day suspension. Understood? Good. I am going to pass the exams to you now, once you have yours you may begin."

Everyone worked quietly for the entire class period to finish the midterm. Once we finished we went to our next class. Me and Susan walked together to our next class.

"How do you think you did" Susan asked

"I think I did alright. Probably not an A but I think I did alright."

"I'm sure you did great"

"I don't know, I'm not that great at English I prefer math"

"What's your grade in this class"

"An A"

"How do you have an A in statistics? None of it makes sense"

"I like math, I'm good at it"

"Students come in quietly, we're having a pop quiz"

All the students groaned and took their seats


I was sitting with the cobras and we were having a debate over which fries are better; crinkle cut fries or waffle fries while we waited for Johnny to arrive.

"I'm telling there's nothing better than a good crinkly fry" bobby said

"Not uh. They get cold too fast and they get a limp" I replied

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