Chapter 28

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The light finally turned green after being red for what felt like the last ten minutes. I needed to drive back home after school to grab my change of clothes for karate. It completely slipped my mind to grab it this morning. I practically sped down the road, because I knew Kreese would have my head if I was late. I quickly grabbed my clothes and raced back to the car and was on my way to the dojo. Before I got out of the car I changed into my workout clothes and ran into the building.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I left my gi at home, so I had to go get it" I said to Kreese

"Mr. Lawrence divvy up the group for practice matches. You and Dutch are on the flags."

"Yes sensei" Johnny said

"Miss. L/n go wait in my office" he told me. I nodded and walked into the office. I stood by myself in the corner of the room waiting for Kreese to come in. He walked in and cracked the door

"Sensei am I in trouble?" I asked

"No. However, you're not needed today so you can go."

"What?!" I exclaimed. "Why? What did I do?"

"You didn't do anything"

"Then why am I being sent home?"

"Look at yourself, you're all sloppy today. You left your belongings behind, you showed up late, you're currently wearing two different shoes, you're clearly out of it. You're gonna be embarrassing out there."

"No I won't, I promise. So I'm a little all over the place, I can still train and fight."

"You are going to look like an idiot. Falling around and not focused, how do you expect to win like that"

"I'll be fine"

"Y/n the second you step on that mat you're going to lose against them and embarrass yourself, you're going to embarrass me." He said. "Those students out there, They're focused, they're ready to fight and to win." He said pointing to the boys outside the room

"Why are you saying that? It's just practice matches, it's not like it's a tournament." I replied

"So because it's not a tournament, it's okay to lose?" He asked me

I hesitated slightly before answering " it's not but—"

"Do you trust me?" He asked cutting me off

"I do but—"

"Then listen to what I said." He said cutting me off again. "Are you a loser?"

"No Sensei"

"What are you?"

"A winner"

"Then why set yourself up for failure. You're good. You're strong and determined. I like that. But you're too stubborn. I have faith in you y/n, I really do. I know you have what it takes to win. You're a winner, and I'm not going to allow my winner to lose, even if it's just 'practice'" he explained. "Now go, you know the dojo is always unlocked, you can come back later if you want or just wait until tomorrow. Your choice."

I looked at Kreese in his eyes to see if he was going to change his mind but he didn't. I walked out of the office and as I made my way to the dojo doors to leave Johnny approached me.

"What happened in there?" He asked me quietly

"Lawrence fall in" Kreese's voice boomed

Johnny looked at me before looking back at Kreese. He mouthed 'call you later?' I nodded in response before turning to walk out the dojo. I didn't have anywhere else to be so I got in my car and drove back home. As I was looking for the key to get into my apartment, Daniel walked out of his.

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